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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feb 23/11 @ 2110hrs

Well the myriad of emotions continues. Yesterday we were told that If Angela survives this, she would require 24/7 care and it is unknown what level of awareness she will have they have flip-flopped to well "we really don't know the extent of damage yet". Unreal!!!!!!!!!!

I know the Doctors are only human and can only go by past historical events when dealing with this kind of thing but it is like tossing a dog a bone, then taking it away from him, and then giving it back again. My frustration level continues to increase daily but I try to just keep telling myself that we all have to be patient and let the Medical staff and her body do their thing and just remain hopeful.

Ok, I have vented....on to the latest info.

Angela had her MRI this morning and and there was a slight improvement in the brain swelling. She had been given a megadose of steroids to combat the swelling so it must be working somewhat. MRI also did show various spots of white matter changes as well as some abnormal signals. She will resume dialysis tomorrow and the plan is to try take her off of that to see if her kidneys can function without mechanical aid in the next few days. There is still an amount of seizing happening in the right frontal lobe so she has been given anti-seizure meds as well.

On a positive note, some of the family thought she looked a bit better today and she would occasionally (what appeared to be) chew on her feeding tube. There was also some side to side head movement which was observed. Angela is still in a coma and for the most part, unresponsive.

So we wait some more.....another Family meeting scheduled with the Neuro Team this Friday afternoon.It could be another week before we learn any REAL news. I will continue to update as any pertinent status reports become available.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update Ed. Your family has seen huge miracles these past three years. I'm praying for more. Love Donna Shahen

Anonymous said...

Ed, you know miracles do happen and so do I first hand. My father-in-law was in a coma for 21 days, the Neuro Team wanted us to let him go as well stating his quality of life would be next to nothing, we talked to him everyday, read the newspaper to him, discussed family events with him, at the 21 day mark ~ my mother-in-law decided to let him go, that night he was being annointed and given his last rights he opened his eyes for the first time, although he could not speak from the Trach tube, he could use an alphabet board and spell it to us. He came home after another month, he said he heard everything, every conversation, every time someone read to him, any people talking around him, but he just could not come out of talk Angela's ears off, read to her, talk family events she will hear you and maybe the same miracle will happen for you and your family. Angela, you and your family are all in my prayers daily, take care buddy, stay strong !! xx Di

Angie said...

Just remember Ed, you can report just to vent too, we are all here for your family and venting is helpful stress reliever for you personally.....a miracle was pulled off once in her life so far, so we know they exist....praying for another and that her state is just a way for her body to heal whatever it is fighting...lots of prayers and huge hugs your way Ed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says, Iwas ina weeklomg coma ,yselfonce toan youcan hear bits and pieces of what everyone is sayin to uo, so don't stop talking to her, read toher, tellher the news, and tell herto fight with everying she has. She'll hear you,God Bless your family.