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Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept 17/2010

Just a quick update on whats been going on over the past few months. I finally bit the bullet and moved back to St.Thomas. The driving back and forth to see Faith and participate in her activities was getting to be a bit much on me. It will be so nice to have her "just around the corner" as well to have all of my family close by. Admittedly, I am missing SOME of my old life in Tillsonburg. I'll miss my coffee and BS sessions with Al and the boys Chad and Mat. I'll also miss some of the true friends I made there...the ones who were there through thick and thin...they know who they are :) I could go on about what and/or who I won't miss but that would just erupt into a gossip session which I am not about to stoop to. I am looking forward to making some new friendships here as well as re-kindling some old ones.

Health wise, things are pretty much status quo,my next MRI is October 1st but will not get the results until Oct 25th because I am headed south for 2 weeks beginning Oct 8th for some much needed rest after the big move. My left leg is still the biggest hindrance to my daily life. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to participate and enjoy the things I used to do. Nevertheless, I continue to trudge away through this nonsense and will continue to do so for as long as I can.

I still feel its my Scottish heritage (a.k.a. stubbornness!) that has allowed me to surpass what the Doctors told me what to expect. Jan 12th 2008 was my diagnosis date and they said I'd last 1.5 to 2 years beyond that. Its coming up on 3 years soon so I'll just continue doing what I'm doing.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Steve P. and his family. Steve is on the downside right now with his cancer battle. Keep fighting Bro!

I'll update more after I receive my MRI results.
