Hello friends :
Yes, I know its been a while.....I've been reminded by a few of you ;)
Well I have finished day 2 of 5 of my next round of chemotherapy. It would seem that the rotten sleep patterns are definitely associated with the chemo drugs. I have not slept "normally" in the past couple of days. I don't seem to be able to sleep for very long at night while the rest of the normal world is sleeping so I end up taking periodic naps throughout the day. So if you get my answering machine picking up more than normal, thats why.
According to my Cancer doctor, I've lost about 13 lbs since last month. In my mind, I attribute that to being sick for a while as well as my overall appetite seems to be decreasing. I guess it must be noticeable because last weekend 2 friends of mine (Tania and Rhonda) arrived at my place with a cooler full of food for a BBQ. The order was that I was to sit back and relax and let them do the cookin'!! (yeah, I know, every guy's dream right!) We all ended up having a terrific time and the weather was wonderful so thank you ladies, for a great day.
Faith has started outdoor soccer in St.Thomas now. She seems to be enjoying it so far. I'm glad I put her into indoor soccer as I think its made the transition alot easier ( i.e. "But Daddy, I don't wannnnnnnnnna play")
By the looks of things, the Disney trip will happen during the summer holidays. I'm hoping for early July as its not as hot as August there. I've had a few people volunteer to accompany us to Florida since I know my energy levels are certainly not what they used to be. (don't even begin to think about any "Driving Miss Daisy" jokes........remember, I'm down, but not out and know where the majority of you work and live!!)
For those of you who use MSN Messenger and have noticed my status to be set to "away-out in the shop", I'll attach a before and after photo of the reason for me being out there so often (not to mention the solitude and peace I find out there). This was initially to be my "Winter Project" before the cancer came along so it sat in my shop collecting dust until I felt well enough to putter around with it (pardon the pun for those of you who get it). I can only take half of the credit for this though, my best bud Al helped immensely on this project too. If it were not for him, I'd still just be painting the wheels ;)
Stripped Strappin' !!

Yes, I know its been a while.....I've been reminded by a few of you ;)
Well I have finished day 2 of 5 of my next round of chemotherapy. It would seem that the rotten sleep patterns are definitely associated with the chemo drugs. I have not slept "normally" in the past couple of days. I don't seem to be able to sleep for very long at night while the rest of the normal world is sleeping so I end up taking periodic naps throughout the day. So if you get my answering machine picking up more than normal, thats why.
According to my Cancer doctor, I've lost about 13 lbs since last month. In my mind, I attribute that to being sick for a while as well as my overall appetite seems to be decreasing. I guess it must be noticeable because last weekend 2 friends of mine (Tania and Rhonda) arrived at my place with a cooler full of food for a BBQ. The order was that I was to sit back and relax and let them do the cookin'!! (yeah, I know, every guy's dream right!) We all ended up having a terrific time and the weather was wonderful so thank you ladies, for a great day.
Faith has started outdoor soccer in St.Thomas now. She seems to be enjoying it so far. I'm glad I put her into indoor soccer as I think its made the transition alot easier ( i.e. "But Daddy, I don't wannnnnnnnnna play")
By the looks of things, the Disney trip will happen during the summer holidays. I'm hoping for early July as its not as hot as August there. I've had a few people volunteer to accompany us to Florida since I know my energy levels are certainly not what they used to be. (don't even begin to think about any "Driving Miss Daisy" jokes........remember, I'm down, but not out and know where the majority of you work and live!!)
For those of you who use MSN Messenger and have noticed my status to be set to "away-out in the shop", I'll attach a before and after photo of the reason for me being out there so often (not to mention the solitude and peace I find out there). This was initially to be my "Winter Project" before the cancer came along so it sat in my shop collecting dust until I felt well enough to putter around with it (pardon the pun for those of you who get it). I can only take half of the credit for this though, my best bud Al helped immensely on this project too. If it were not for him, I'd still just be painting the wheels ;)
Stripped Strappin' !!

Until next time........