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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spineless Creatures

Well I see someone else decided they would attempt to slander me by means of discussing a past relationship of mine. Sad part is....they obviously have no clue of what transpired. I could not help but laugh when I read it. I have never claimed to be the King of Relationships anyways. I know I've made my share of mistakes but then again, haven't most of us? The majority of what they wrote was false and slanderous to say the least! (Especially some of the "serious" things they wrote) I have changed the settings on my blog to stop this kind of childishness. Apparently some people are more concerned with other's lives while their own world falls around them. And not surprisingly, the person lacked the testicular fortitude to leave a name. At the end of the day, it goes like the old saying..."There is his side of the story, her side of the story and then there is the truth" Kinda makes me glad I didn't move back to St.Thomas some days ;)

PS: I did delete the comment because of the false statements in it.


Monday, May 4, 2009

MRI Update

Results of the MRI showed no new growth at this point, only the residual from my last operation. Will continue to have an MRI done every 3 months to monitor for new growth etc. Thank you to all who sent well wishes and prayers etc.
