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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Geez, where to begin with this post?? I guess first and foremost, thank you for all the birthday wishes that I've received so far. I am truly blessed to have all of you in my life.

Today, I turned 43 years old....more importantly, today marks the 3 year anniversary of my diagnosis with a stage 4 brain cancer. What a whirlwind experience this has been. I have been at the lowest of lows and the highest of highs during this time. There have been times where I was scared whether or not I would see tomorrow, to more recently, believing that I am still here for a reason. The primary reason is my daughter Faith...I guess we unknowingly named her that for a reason. That child is my shining light, my reason, my purpose. I believe that it is because of her, that I am still on this earth.

The past 6 months have been very trying with friends passing from cancer, to as recently as today, with the news of yet another friend who was diagnosed yesterday with a lung cancer. It is so sad that we are all directly or indirectly affected by this rotten disease. You can't seem to carry out a conversation without the "C word" being brought up anymore. My personal opinion, after researching quite extensively, is that we all have the cancer genes in us, and that they become active around 7 times throughout our lifetime. If they catch you at the wrong time, i.e. during a sickness or other extremely trying time in your life, your body's immune system is not able to fight them off and "boom", the cancer cells invade.

You have to have the will and desire to beat this thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think it is my stubborn attitude that allows me to say "I have cancer, but it doesn't have me"! Sadly, some of us will lay down and give in, thinking that there is no hope. It is those people that choose not to fight that will be taken over in mind, body and soul by the cancer and thus experience a shorter life span. In saying that, trust me, I am not naive, if the cancer spreads throughout the body and begins to eat at you from the inside out, all you can do is attempt to maintain a good quality of life for however long you are on this earth.

Going forward, I have made a vow to myself to only allow myself to be surrounded by people that have a positive influence in my life. Life is too short (for all of us) to be stressed out and worrying about things that are not within your control. Stealing a quote..."the only thing you can control in life is yourself".

To sum it all up....I guess I am living proof that the Doctors are only human too. They can only guesstimate statistically, how long you will be around. They told me that the average life span with my type of cancer was 15 months and with me individually, that I could last anywhere from 1.5 to 2 years. Well, here I am at year 3! How do ya like me now!! ;)

I wish everyone a year filled with health, happiness and love. We ALL deserve it!!

I guess before I sign off, I'd better update my overall status.....Still going for brain MRIs every 3 months (next is Feb 15th with a results appt on Feb.28th). The botox shots I received in my leg seem to be wearing off a bit, but I cannot receive anymore until a 3 month span has elapsed. (reasoning is that the body could develop a resistance to the injections if done earlier) So as it stands, I will get more Botox on Feb 11th unless a cancellation comes up.

Until next time.......



Krista said...

You my friend are an inspiration for others..

Kim Smith said...

Ed, you are the strongest of strong!!!! I told you that you were still here for a reason. Keep kicking ass my friend!! You are a true inspiration!!

AL said...

Buddy you amaze me each and every day.. you are the stongest person I know of or have ever does not suprize me at all you have made it this far! Happy birthday buddy and I know you will have maney more to come!! Al

Di said...


doe said...

Thank you Ed and Happy Birthday! I read your blog to you know who just now and it brought her spirits up so much so i thank you for that my friend! You have taught me alot and now I am needing you more than ever! So keep on fighting and dont let the c word get you down like i told her today its not cancer its courage! Nothing to be ashamed of but something to fight for! Love you my friend xo doe

Anonymous said...

How do we like you now???
We like you just fine Ed.
We admire your courage.
We find strength in your strength.
We learn from you.
We are.......amazed.
Nuff said!

Rick Demaray

Unknown said...

Ed....... your words are awesome that you wrote in your latest Blog! Whenever I start to worry about "stuff" whatever it may be I will take the time to reread your heartfelt words and take note of what's more important in Life! Thanks Buddy - your Awesome and we all Love You!! xoxoxo


Anonymous said...

Ed you are such an inspiration and the most strong willed person I know which I am sure has brought you to where you are. Have you ever considered doing some volunteer work sharing that strong will with others??

Anonymous said...

Ed ~ Walt & I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. It's nice to hear that you have found a place in St. Thomas so you can be closer to Faith and your family.
All the best to you!
Maureen & Walt Irie

Anonymous said...

I hop everything slows down for you soonI will pray for you family an your sister and ask Heather to ne her guardian angel.
Take careEd Look forward to the updatees.
love suze