Well I don't really like to come on here to report bad news but I feel I should let you know that last night, while watching Faith's soccer game, I had my worst seizure by far since this all started. I pretty much lost control of the whole left side of my body. If I were to rate them out of ten, I'd say all my previous ones were about a three or four and this one was about a twelve. Unfortunately, I was sitting right next to my parents who had to witness it all. (Sorry mom and Dad) I wished I was alone when it happened because now the worrying starts again. (not that it ever really left) Fortunately, Faith was on the soccer field at that time and didn't have to witness anything. I'm sure I got a few odd looks from the other soccer parents there.
I can certainly empathize with those people who have full blown seizures now! I felt embarrassed, mad, upset and a whole myriad of emotions the rest of the night. I'll call my clinical nurse today to see what they think and I go to see my neurosurgeon next Tuesday anyways. My own personal thoughts are that this was a result of the tumor re-growth. I'm not a doctor by a long shot but if it was the size of 2 grapes over a month ago, I'm sure it has almost doubled. (the books say it can double its size in 6 weeks) If that's the case, I imagine its beginning to put pressure on my brain again.
Ok enough about that. Today at 3pm, I have to be at Cami to draw a winning ticket as part of the amazing fund-raising efforts my Cami friends have put forth since my diagnosis. If any of you you read this before 3pm, please realize that I will be nervous has hell walking through those doors today. It will be the first time since January 14th I believe. So go easy on me ya hear!! lol
Until next time.....
I know we have not talked in a while we keep missing each other on MSN...however please know that your in my thought's and each and everyday. Your one hell of a strong person and I commend you for that. I can only imagine how hard that experience was for you last night, the only thing that I can say, is remember that your friends and family are you for you no matter WHAT!!!!. Don't you worry about what other people are thinking or wondering when situations like that happens...as you know people do surprise the heck out you.
Anyhow keep your chin up buddy...love ya man....thinking of you always.
Love Stacey
As I read your blog Edward,It's very hard to hold the tears..I love you so much..You are my big bro..Dont ever feel what other people are thinking..I'm so proud of you,the way you have handled this whole cancer thing..And your family is here for you 24-7..We love you so very much..It's time to take it easy Ed..My thoughts and prayers are with you..Anyway if there's anything I can do for you ,tell me ok..your little sis Angela xoxoxoxoxo
Ed i came across your blog,via strat site
My prayers go out to you and your family
stand fast my old friend,
and hope you have some room in your heart for God
Don (Wally)
Fort Erie
need to chat you email me
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