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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22 @ 11pm

Unfortunately, Angela's scheduled MRI has been postponed until tomorrow at 10am due to larger than normal number of Neuro patients currently in hospital. They did however do an SSEP test (Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP) is a test showing the electrical signals of sensation going from the body to the brain. The signals show whether the nerves that connect to the spinal cord are able to send and receive sensory information like pain, temperature, and touch.) This test did show some activity in the brain so that was good news but we will take it with guarded optimism at this point.

As of this evening, Angela has also developed a fever so specimens of her cerebral-spinal fluid and urine have been sent out for testing to check for infection etc.

At the time of writing, we are supposed to meet with the Neuro Team tomorrow at approx 1800hrs. Obviously , this is all subject to change as the day progresses tomorrow.

Note: We have lost the use of the private Family Room so please do not call that number going forward. Any contact will have to be made directly to the Family's personal phones.

Myself and my entire family truly appreciate all the support that you have all extended during this difficult time

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