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Sunday, February 27, 2011

A glimmer of hope Angela Feb 27/11

Well I certainly got a little surprise today when Brandon and I arrived at the hospital. The nurse said she thought Angela was tracking her with her eyes earlier when she was bathing her. So I stuck my tongue out at her and low and behold, she did the same back to me!! Not wanting to jump to any conclusions, I repeated the same thing a few more times and left a span of about 5 minutes in between just to ensure it wasn't just a reflex or involuntary movement.Sure enough, she was able to do it on command a few times. Angela was also able to move her legs a small amount but very little, if any, movement in her arms.

Not sure if it was voice command or sight that made her stick out the tongue. I felt it was visual thing but when other family members arrived, they thought perhaps voice command. Either way, its a small step in the right direction. The nurse said she was also responding to lower leg pain stimulus testing. (i.e. scraping/pinching her foot). She seemed to slip in and out of whatever level of conscienceness she had been able to muster so we didn't push her too far today.

I swear this kid has nine lives!!! I will be visiting tomorrow after my own MRI results meeting at LRCC and with any luck, will see some more improvement.

Angela is by far out of the woods yet (today's nurse said it could be up to 6 months before the extent of damage is known) but at this point, any small glimmer of hope is a good thing. We remain with guarded optimism and can only hope and pray that time shows more good things.


Anonymous said...

Wow Ed, that is great news !!! She's a fighter ~~~ just like her brother :) She has her own little fan club with all your friends rooting for a positive outcome and she and your family will continue in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs Di

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your results tomorrow. You and Angela continually astound me how you defy death with sheer determination, stubbornness and love of family. Keep on inspiring! :p
Donna Shahen