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Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 12/2008

A very early good morning to you all:

Well the side effects of my chemotherapy have certainly not let me down this month! I am tired and yet cannot sleep. This has been the case every time I do chemo. My MRI has been postponed until July 28th at 5:30am. ( I swear the scheduling folks do not like me) . This I have been told is because of the fact that my last chemo session was delayed due to low blood platelet levels.

Since my last blog I have had to take a few measures to ensure my own safely to remain living alone here on the farm. I am now one of those"Help, I've fallen and can't get up" people with an in-home monitoring system that connects to Parkwood Hospital. I am trying to get used to using a "quad cane" also. Don't laugh, the name is only referring to the number of feet on the cane! I am also getting another hand rail installed on the stairs leading up to the bedrooms so that I have more stability going up and down the stairs. (Getting bored of falling on the stairs!) I am also waiting on a foot orthotic device to help with my "drop foot" or in plain English, my pain in the arse foot that drags behind me!! lol

Not sure if I mentioned it in my last blog but the condition is now beginning to affect my left arm as well. Not nearly as severe as my leg but I feel the same symptoms coming. I have planned a family meeting for this Sunday so that we can all be together at the same time and I can review my current state and what lies ahead down the road. My reasoning for this is just to make sure all of my family hears first-hand the same time, straight from the horse's mouth. Yeah, insert the "Mr Ed, the talking Horse" jokes here! But seriously, I'm hoping this family meeting turns out to be a good thing and maybe even a bi-weekly or monthly event.

So physically, my body is beginning to let me down. Its frustrating beyond words, to explain how one feels when their mind is still full of life but their body is letting them down in so many ways. I never would have thought, at age 40, that I would be "side-lined" at my daughter's soccer games instead of being on the field, coaching and having fun with her and her team. Mentally I am feeling overwhelmed. Just as the saying goes: "So much to do, so little time". I am thinking a weekend away from the world is in order very soon!!!!

Still with good humour and a bum leg,



Dawn said...

Stay strong Edward, your humour won't let you down, and won't allow you to feel down for long. You are doing everything right, and holding more people up that you can count (ironic for a man that keeps falling). Take that mini-vacation soon, you deserve a break!
Dawn xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Ed,
I just wanted to say Hi and let you know that Sydney and I have been thinkng of you and Faith. I hope things work out with staying at your home. Tell Faith to give Sydney a call soon...

Allie Wojtaszek said...

I was so happy to read that the Disneyland trip is a go! It never ceases to amaze me the way miracles (and people) can work!

I sure hope you are enjoying the summer and that you start to feel stronger/better.

EJM68 Ed McDade said...

Thank you Dawn, Heather and Allie :)

Unknown said...

Hi Ed,
Heard you had a vist from crazy "Bev". I hope she brought some humour and some positive insites. I want you to know that Beth and I have decided to think "what if I didn't have cancer, what would I be doing right now". So the theory behind the "secret" is that positive mental thinking attacts positive results. I know that easy for me to say, but Beth truly believes it and I am going to go along and try it to . Even though you have so much pain, please never never give up and dig deep to find a mental location where you can say "I am going to beat this". It should give you more time and you never know a miricle. I love you and pray for this every day.
Heather Sorensen