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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Angela Mar 3/11 @ 0915hrs

Sorry for no update yesterday but Angela had a very busy day with tests and procedures etc.

While doing the dialysis yesterday, they encountered a blood clot near the end of the cycle so Ang may have to have it repeated again today. Normally they would only do it every other day. She has a trach tube in her throat now so the mouth breathing tube is now gone. They also inserted a central pic line as well as performed an MRI yesterday.

Angela now has, at time of writing, a high fever,influenza and elevated blood pressure so any family member or other persons who are on her "allowed visitor" list will have to mask before they go in to see her. If you are not on the allowed visitor list, please just read here for any updates and/or call one of the family members. We appreciate the thought of people wanting to visit her but her condition is still much too fragile to invite any outside sicknesses in to the room.

The MRI must have shown minimal brain swelling now because they felt comfortable enough to remove her drain tube from her head. After all of yesterday's procedures, Angela has seemed to slip back into an unresponsive state although the nurse did say that she was responding a bit this morning to external stimuli.

Thanks for your understanding and patience during this time.

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