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Saturday, September 6, 2008

3am, we really have to stop this!

Good early morning

Am I, but I can dream right? One of these days I will hopefully be able to peek out of one eye to see the blur of a digital 7:00am on the alarm clock and just grin to myself saying "yeah, now THATS what I'm talkin' about!!"

So yeah, I too watched the "star-studded" Cancer Fundraiser the held on the 3 major television networks last night. I don't know about you but I was more astounded by the facts that flew across the screen on just how many people are actually touched by cancer, whether it be personally or otherwise. I truly hope it was an eye opener for for alot of Canadians and Americans.

So its now been about 11 days since my surgery. Overall I still feel pretty good with the exception of some concentrated headaches around the "war zone". I've been keeping track of them in my activity book and will talk with the Doc if they continue over 2 weeks. I started to let my hair grow in a bit now due to the stitches etc. Its coming in almost BLACK!!! (not to mention the occasional grey hair my buddy Al reminds me of. Dork!

So yeah, needless to say, my sister Karen was over the other day and I armed her with my electric trimmer and asked her to get busy on removing that hair! So yes, I'm back down to baring it all again now. Smooth as as baby's bum. Oh wait, I don't have diaper rash do I? ;)

My medications have been adjusted a fair bit since surgery and I think I'm beginning to notice some of the hands are very shaky right now, my walking is a little more sloppy right now and I just feel "different" overall. (thats right.....insert your "different" joke here folks)

I've been doing some Disney thinking lately. My friend Scott suggested that it might be a good idea to split the week up doing 3 days at Disney and then the 4 day Disney Cruise. I think it would be a great way to accomplish my goal for Faith and to also give her that little bit extra to remember. Thanks Scotty, why didn't I think of this????? :)

My apologies if my last post seemed a little blunt and maybe even crass? I think after coming out of the second surgery, my emotions, views and outlook were a little scattered. Not sure why, maybe it was just the fact that I felt like that last fight (surgery) was just barely won by me and that I can do better. I cannot and will not lie to any of you....I guess I'm just that little bit more nervous of the future now. One day at a time though....thats all I ask for, just one more day :)

With love to you all......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mcdade …

I have read all of your postings and I must say that your strength and courage is commendable and from your posts it is obvious that you’re a strong willed, independent person … for a lack of a better term … much more of a giver than a receiver.

Unfortunately, we will never know what God has in store for us and many times, His plan for us is different from what we expected, but it appears to me that He is using you to show the world what a mustard seed of faith can do. God’s purpose for you may not be to cure you of this illness but to show you that you are loved and cared about more than you may have thought, especially given your reaction to all the responses.

Regarding your trip with you daughter, I will keep you & Faith in my prays for a safe and wonderful trip and as family is important to you … maybe having your family, in part or whole, join you on the trip would be great too! As I had mentioned earlier, you appear to be much more of a giver than a receiver but the receiving part is equally as important. Maybe letting your family share in the experience may prove to be good therapy for them as well as you.

Please pardon me Mr. Mcdade for what I wish to say to those who respond to your postings.

For those of you who care for Ed, family and friends alike, please stop waiting for an invitation to offer help! If you have read between the lines of his postings then you should know that he is not going to go out of his way to ask for it.

Now this doesn’t mean that we should not be respectful of his privacy but helping doesn’t have to be something earth shattering (pardon my pun) maybe bringing over a home cooked meal, or inviting him (and his daughter) to your homes for a meal may be enough. Maybe sitting down to watch a movie or taking him to the movies, running some errands … groceries etc or stopping by just to say hi … there are a lot of things that can be done to help so do you really need an invitation!!!!

May God continue to bless you :)