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Friday, September 12, 2008

Update Sept 12/2008

Good morning 3am!

Well I've managed over the past few nights to actually get more than 3 or 4 hours sleep. The sad part of it is, is that it has either been on a Saturday night while I'm supposed to be entertaining friends that came over to watch a UFC PPV or during the middle of a telephone conversation! lol I knew I'd crash hard, it was just a matter of when. That being said, this morning it was 2:45am when I first crawled out of bed.

So my stitches came out this week without issue. The big horse-shoe shped incision seems to be healing well. I've had a constant headache ever since surgery. I finally gave in 2 days ago and called my surgeon's office to see if this was normal. My thoughts were that yes, this was normal due to swelling around the brain from such an intrusive surgery. The nurse agreed with me and we have decided to slow up on my weaning schelule of Dexamethazone. This is a steroid used to combat swelling around the brain due to tumour activity and/or surgery. So hopefully within a day or two my headaches will go away or at least become bearable.

I'm now having problems with my feet/ankles being extremely swollen. This has just started over the past couple of days so I think I'd better make another call to the doctor. Another side effect of the chemo and radiation I "think" I'm beginning to notice is failing kidneys. Without confirmation yet, and just my own gut feelings, I feel like I'm beginning to have issues in that department. I can no longer "hold it" like most of us males can, and unfortunately, have had a few "accidents" along the way. Its not even embarrassing now, its just such a letdown. I'll obviously be reviewing this with my Oncologist when I see him on the 19th.
When it rains, it pours I guess! (no pee pun intended) lol

Before I forget, I want to thank the following people for helping me get fat:

Cathy V.
Betty from work
Rob E. (former Cami employee)
My Mom
My sister Shirley

All these wonderful people have graciously brought me food on at least one occasion and I thank you and any others I may have neglected to mention from the bottom of my heart :) Now can someone just help me with my Jenny Craig sign-up sheet!!

Today, I am off to "Truppe" in Lambeth to hopefully start the fitting process for a custom AFO (ankle /foot orthotic) that will hopefully stop or at least lessen my ankle turning and reduce the amount of "drop foot" I have. With my left foot dragging the way it does, I can no longer sneak up on anyone. You can hear me coming from a mile away!

Yesterday, I recieved in the mail, a cheque in the amount of $2,900.00 to go toward the Disney Dream from the "Old Guard" of my former Military Regiment "Lord Strathconas Horse (Royal Canadian). This is the resutlt of alot of hard work by my former comrade turned cop, Brad Norman. Brad championed at least 2 fund-raising efforts on my behalf in Calgary, where I was stationed during my term in the Canadian Armed Forces. Love ya man!

Until next time.....




Anonymous said...

wow!!!!!!Is all I can say..(tears really flowing )..As i said to my bro ,How can someone raise that kind of cash??Hats off to you Brad your an angel.Your fund raising efforts have really paid off.

Lori said...

Hats off to you Brad....YOU ROCK !!!

You have so many angels in your life Ed. You are admired by many. You are strong!

Karen McDade said...

hi there all....
my brother is THE most amazing person that I know..I wish I could be more like him...he has never said "poor me" during this time...
he has some absolutely amazing friends near and afar...and we all thank you for your support...
my sisters and I are extremely lucky to have such a brave soul for a brother...I love you lots bro..keep your chin you always do!
Love, Karen xxx

Anonymous said...

Ed I have to say every time I read your blogs I cry, I get shivers, I laugh, and yes sometimes I pee too. hehe. You are the hieght of strength I have ever seen in anyone. Your sense of humour is astounding. Keep smilin' Love ya xoxoxo and one for your horseshoe x

Teresa said...

Hello Special Ed: I am so glad that you are recovering so quickly from another surgery. You have to be the most positive person I know. You are truly an inspiration to all that know you. I read your blogs and I get so much strength to go about my daily activites and put aside the pain that comes with my health issues (which you know what I'm talking about)and you are truly, truly an inspiration to me. Never have I met such an amazing person as you. You are an extremely strong special person. Lots of love, your friend....

Anonymous said...

\hey Edward,how great to have such a caring friend in Brad. You are really inspiring many with your courage and your tremendous spirit.Thanks for being you.qipprude

Anonymous said...

Hi Edward,As I look at your picture's I am so Amazed I have the strongest brother in the world..U keep doing One Day At A Time,You Truly are a Hero,in many thing's u do,u say..As your sister I am so Proud to have you in my life..I love you very much..Angela...Every time I read your blog,I cry,You remind all of us life is to short..You have so much Support It's Amazing..But I'm really glad u have that...

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think that you would become a published inspirational writer? Did you ever think you would motivate people to change the way they live and treat others. Come on people, raise your hand if reading Ed's blog has made you change the way you live and treat others. (my hand is raised). I do make certain to say I love you each time I am with someone I love. I have mended relationships because time is short. I have thanked people for how they have effected/changed my life. I was fortunate to extend that thanks to someone who 30 years ago made a difference in my life and they didn't know it. They had no clue how their actions changed my life. They were so glad to hear about it. I'm glad it wasn't too late to tell her. Life is precious and short and so easy to forgot that fact. Thanks Edward for how you have changed my life and how you through my actions are changing the lives of those around me. I notice my daughter calls everyday and never forgets to say I love you. That's a difference in my life. Did you ever think that through cancer YOU would be blessing the lives of those you didn't even know? Thanks for the blog Edward. Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks for being vulnerable and saying it like it is. You taught me to open up to others (and it was HARD) but I could not believe how incredibly positive the results would be. Keep being who you are! You are such an inspiration and testament to how we should live our loves. God bless you abundantly. Love Donna