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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

EYES WIDE OPEN August 13/2008

Dear All:

We went for my second surgery consultation today in London and I have decided to undergo another brain tumour surgery in approximately 2 weeks.

Really, this is the only viable option right now but with a twist. I have opted to undergo the surgery while I am awake. This will hopefully allow for more of the tumour to be removed as opposed to being "put under". Being awake will allow the surgeon to probe areas closer to the outside of the tumour to more safely determine if that area of brain tissue can be removed without causing such things as paralysis etc. Obviously any surgery of this type has its inherent risks but if I choose not to go forth and push the envelope, I may as well pack my bags now right!!
I will be confirming my participation with the Doctor today and then the process begins. I will update you all as I know more details.

My dearest Beth and Heather.......keep the fight going girls, we are all each others rocks remember!

Still looking to purchase a used golf cart and/or 4 wheeled scooter ( with a heater and windshield wipers if this crappy weather keeps up! lol) so if anyone knows of one available anywhere, please contact me.

To everyone who is supporting the 3 of us throughout this miserable trip......I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Ok, now I will sit here and wait for the birds to at least wake up!

Until next time....




Anonymous said...

I'll start looking in the penny saver and there is a store in Ingersoll with good used scooters. I'll check them out and the pricing. We'll findyou one, us women love to shop!

Anita said...

You are a true inspiration Eddy, with that determination you can't help but make it! Always thinking and praying for you my friend.


Anita xoxo

Anonymous said...

hey Ed, I heard that the wal mart in port huron has scooters for very cheap. you can check them out on line and maybe call ahead to do some pricing. God bless you today and in the next few weeks, lots of love and our prayers are with you always:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ed

I get John's wheelchair supplies and all that kind of stuff he needs from a business in Ingersol called Brian's Mobility. He should have scooters and such there ! Just so you knwo the government will pay for 75% of the cost of a scooter so make sure you look into that !! Its called the assistive devices program !!
Lisa McLain