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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Angela Visit Apr 19/11

Took Angela's eldest son Brandon up today and we both visited with her. She was in very good spirits today and seemed to be eating some more solid food. I had a long talk with the Social Worker regarding after-care etc so I think I will be a busy boy for a while! Brandon took his mom down to the lobby Tim Hortons for a tea and a cookie and I think Angela has developed a passion for peanut butter cookies. lol Although, I am sure a bale of hay would taste good after 50+ days of no real food!! If Angela continues to improve, there is a POSSIBILITY of her being transferred back to the St.Thomas hospital. That would be awesome for everyone :)

I still sense the confusion in some of Angela's thoughts. Hoping that this will just continue to improve as she rids herself of the cobwebs that surely began to surround her world after such a lengthy hospital stay. The only disadvantage of Angela coming back to St.Thomas will be the dialysis treatments. She will have to be transported back and forth for those at least 3 times a week. I believe our local M.P. Steve Peters was attempting to gather some stats etc of the number of people who would benefit from having a Dialysis Unit here in Elgin County. Feel free to voice your opinion to him ;)

Overall, Angela has improved tenfold from her previous state. Our family is ecstatic with her progress and cannot wait for her to me "home".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an absolute miracle, a true blessing for you and your family. I think we should all raise a Peanut Butter Cookie to Angela for her determination and fight ~ and raise a nice hot cup of Tea to you and your family for your strength, patience and love for your sister which truly has made a miracle happen right before your eyes !! Now my friend, your turn....with all that family love and friends being your cheering section you certainly can win this battle again.....Looking forward to seeing you at the finish line...remember NVR SAY NVR ....xxxooooo hugs to you bud ~~ Di