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Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30/2011

Well here I am, at day 26 of 28 on chemotherapy. I feel the effects beginning to take its toll slowly on me now. I still feel like I have tons of energy throughout the day, but my body is starting to tell me to slow the train down! My wipe-out in the tub the other night was probably a good indicator that I need to dial it back a bit. My balance is one of a 2am drunk most days....probably shouldn't do the bath tub on my own but its my stubborn qualities rising to the surface again.

Still not sleeping worth a damn but I have cut back on my steroid (under my own advice) and hopefully that will help. Managing between 3 and 4 hours a night still. After this round of chemo, I have a follow up appt on May 3rd. From my phone conversation with the nurse, it SOUNDS like they may want to do another 2-28 day rounds of chemo and then not give me an MRI until June 20th. To me, that just sounds ridiculous. If I look at the timeline etc....Last good scan...Oct/10...2 tumours noticed in Feb/11 scan...another scan Mar/11 with confirmation that they had almost doubled in size in a month. Now the chemo...which wasn't helpful last time....then more chemo...and wait 3 months before we scan the head again????? Does not make sense to me. My head might blow off by then! lol I will certainly be discussing this with my Doc next week.

On a positive note, Angela continues to improve on a daily basis. They are putting her into Continuing Care as soon as possible to begin the re-integration into daily living. She has a road ahead of her but has by far exceeded any of our expectations, much to our happiness :) Ang will still need dialysis at least 3 times a week in London and that may be for life. Myself and the family are still closely involved with a Social Worker at the hospital to ensure that Angela continues to progress and attain the best quality of life possible. Oh, as a side note...Angela has a phone now so be prepared for calls!! lol Hope you all have a free hour ;)

All in all, Angela is doing better. I just pray to the Big Guy everyday, that she will remember where she has been over these past few months, and begin to live a fulfilling life once she is back in the land of the living :)

Thank you again and again to all that have supported Angela and our family during this very trying time.



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