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Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21/11

Some good news today! Angela has been transferred back to the St.Thomas hospital to continue with her recovery. The frustrating part is now we have to through all the transfer of information from hospital to hospital. There has already been incidents this evening that could have become a problem because the Nurse did not bother to read Angela's medical history prior to starting her intake. Grrrrrrrr I have provided a minimum of 5 copies to University Hospital regarding important medical information already.....looks like I will have to do the same in St.Thomas. Its almost like they think Angela just came in off the street rather than having just spent 64 days in ICU in London. I have no time or patience for that type of incompetency of lack of compassion in your chosen field.

If anyone is planning on visiting Angela, please allow her a few days to adjust to her new surroundings. She still has some confusion going on and I think it is in her best interest to only have family and close friends visiting until after the Easter weekend. If you truly need to see her prior to that, please contact a family member first. Thanks in advance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW ....MARTHA THAT IS GREAT NEWS !!! She is closer to all of you and back on the take a deep breath and get yourself all fixed up ...remember we have a race to run....still think you can beat me !! See ya at the finish line bud...xxxxoooo hugs Di