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Friday, April 15, 2011


Sleep, oh sleep.....where art tho?? Here we go again. The steroids I am taking for brain swelling/headaches are certainly up to their old tricks again. They do not allow me to sleep very long. I've ran myself ragged with working ang keeping busy throughout the day in hope that I'd be able to get a good solid sleep but nope, not happening.

Late yesterday afternoon, Myself, my precious daughter Faith, and Jacqui went to an information session at the Cancer Clinic. It was designed for teaching kids about "When a Parent has Cancer". They split the kids into appropriate age groups and they were shown a video and had a gab session with the councillor. The parents were taken into another group and shown the same video and had an open Q&A type of meeting afterward. I highly reccommend it for the kids and spouses of someone fighting this disease. Admittedly, I cried when I was watching the video. It was so hard to listen to these kids talking about their feelings on it. WOW

Physically, I am feeling out of sorts with all this chemo medication and stuff again. My poor body does not know what it wants to do anymore. My appetite is poor, my energy level is high throughout the day....and yet I cannot sleep for more than 5 hours. Crazy stuff!! Today is day 11 of chemo....only 17 more to go! (UGH)

Angela has been moved to the floor from ICU now. Unfortuately I did not get to speak to any of my family yesterday, but I guess no news is good news.I am still working with her son Brandon, trying to assist him on his life path. Hopefully there will be a shining light at the end of these long dark tunnels I seem to be peering down into as of late.

To my friends that are currently going through this dispicable battle of cancer, my thoughts are ALWAYS with you....and to my friends that have will never be forgotten.


1 comment:

Anita said...

My dear friend: Just wanted you to know I think and pray for you. You are one courageous and strong soul. Always my very best, hugs xoxo