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Saturday, November 22, 2008

my lil sis (6)

Happy snowy Saturday morning to you all!

Ugh, enough of this white stuff already. I think I'm going back to Florida! So, I was up to see Ang yesterday and here are the highlights of my visit:

Yesterday they were in the midst of trying to keep Angela a full 24 hrs off the ventilator to allow her to breathe un-assisted. If this 24 hour trial is/was successful, they'll keep her off the vent for good unless her lungs begin to get too tired. Her being off the vent is the major criteria for getting out of that ward and into the general floor wards.

Also, if the ventilator weaning is successful, they can cap off her trache opening which will allow Angela to talk and possible start eating and drinking some solid foods. More good news is that the "echo-cardiogram" results came back and her heart is in good shape!

They had Angela sitting upright in a chair yesterday but after about an hour of this she became very uncomfortable in her lower back area so they hoisted her back into the bed. I asked if I could operate the hoist but they said no :( lol

For those of you who may be visiting in the near future, I'm sure Angela would appreciate the odd magazine or local newspaper to read. If you're there visiting, you could help with page turning as she is still quite weak. In the next couple of weeks, there is the POSSIBILITY of Angela being transferred back to the St.Thomas hospital but I don't think we are too keen on rushing that in case any complications develop between now and then. Baby steps for everything here.




Anonymous said...

Thats Great news Ed.Glad to hear that she is inproving, even if its like y'all said: in baby steps. Hopefully the 24hr. trial works and she can get of them vents.
Keep fighting Angela.


Anonymous said...

I am so pleased that she is coming along. . this has been a long hard haul for the family and you have all pulled together and fought together, that is family. . love and prayers to all of you

Lynn Barratt

Anonymous said...

I dont blame you for wanting to go back to Florida, this snow sux.

Glad to hear Angela is improving each day. It may be baby steps, but those are the things we hang on to right now. And each baby step leads to one big step. And all the steps are in a forward direction, that is what is important.

She will feel better, and improve more and more each time you see her, especially once they get her off of the vent.

It's amazing how quickly someone can loose their strength after doing absolutely nothing except lying in a hospital bed for a few weeks. After only 10 days, my dad couldnt even turn his hands over without help.

My Dad was in CCU in London about 15 years ago, and I am confident in saying that your sister is in the BEST HANDS.

PLUS it sounds like she has such a WONDERFUL support team behind her with her family and amazing friends.

I hope you are remembering to take care of yourself too Ed. It's easy to put urself on the back burner and concentrate on someone else, but dont overdo it either. I'm sure your family doesnt want to visit both of you in the hospital.
