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Monday, November 24, 2008

my lil sis (7)

Good afternoon :)

Well I have to say that Angela has improved substantially over the past few days. When I went up to visit her today, as soon as I walked in the room, I could notice that the "old Angela" was back with us. Her colour looked healthier and she seemed alot more content.

A couple of "firsts" happened today too! Angela was able to shower for the first time since being admitted. That in itself surely brought some feelings of dignity back to her. She also ate solid food for lunch today. She only ate about half of it but it went down with no issues and she was able to keep it down too. These are all very positive steps. I will CONTINUALLY remind her in the future that I was the one to feed her her first solid meal in the hospital!! lol

Angela has been off the ventilator 100% for 24+ hours now. She should bew able to stay off it for good now as long as her lungs continue to improve the way they have been. With that being said, Ang may be transferred out of the Critical Care Trauma Centre within 24-48 hrs. From there,she would go to the floor and be taken care of from there.
They are also considering transferring her to St.Thomas for the remainder of her stay where she would undergo rehabilitation to regain her strength in her legs and arms. Her time in hospital remains unknown but the Dr. I talked to today said at a stretch, another month.Every case is different though and everyone recovers at a different rate, so we will just play it by ear and go from there.

As I'm sure most of you are aware by now, Angela is able to talk since the being taken off the vent and by capping the trache tube. I know for a fact that Angela was relieved to be able to communicate verbally with everyone once again, but if she starts getting lippy with me, I'll un-cap her and put her on the vent myself!!!! ;)

The neurologist (Dr. Brian Young) will be once again reviewing Angela's condition to determine the root cause of her severe weakness in her right arm. Hopefully it is a "local" cause i.e. torn muscle etc and not a neurological issue. I believe they are going to perform an E.M.G. test on her to test for muscle response etc. ( Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the activation signal of muscles. EMG is performed using an instrument called an electromyograph, to produce a record called an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells contract, and also when the cells are at rest.)

Thank you to all of you for your continued support, kindness and love throughout this ordeal.


Ed McDade


Anonymous said...

Great news Ed thanks for the update. But please tell me how are YOU doing.
michele manicom

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele:

I'm doing ok I guess. Still struggling with my leg and balance but on a brighter note, I have my first appt tomorrow in Simcoe to investigate another foot orthotic. Hopefully it won't be a letdown like the last one! The guy comes from Hamilton once a month for a clinic so hopefully he'll have some ideas on how to get me walking better!

Thanks for asking by the way ;)

Take care