Hello :)
For anyone who happens to read my blog, as a favour to me, I'd like you to please redirect your thoughts and prayers to my younger sister Angela. Angela has been in the Critical Care Trauma Centre at the new Victoria Hospital since Friday, after being transferred from St.Thomas. Angela we have found out had developed a severe pneumonia. This Pneumonia was/is bad enough that her lungs were not even visible on an x-ray. Angela's lungs were not functioning to get the oxygen to the bloodstream and therefore she required 100% mechanical assistance to breathe from Friday until today. They have eliminated the sedative drugs today in hoping that we will get some kind of stimulated response from her whether that be a physical response to a question or some type of controlled body movement. We will see what transpires over the next few days regarding that.
At the time of writing, Ang has developed a bit of a fever but as the nursing staff had said..."we've messed around with her quite a bit today so this is not totally uncommon"
This is going to be a long haul for Angela and the family I think. There is some heart muscle damage that we know of but it is secondary right now to getting her lungs functioning again. Angela is a working single mom of 3 great kids ranging from ages 7 to 17.
Firstly I would like to thank my family for being able to unite as a family unit during this crisis. Its times like this when we all need to form that circle and not let go. Angela needs to be our common focus and I am positive we will continue to make this happen until she pulls through this.
To our family friends....thank you for all you support thus far. I know it makes a world of difference to my parents and sisters.
To my sister's and my friends...again, I also thank you for the kind words and prayers for Angela. Once again, you've shown what true friends are all about.
Your acts of kindness have ranged from prepared food to just being there, popping in for a visit at the hospital and offering a warm hug.
Thank you all and please keep "Angie Pangie" in your thoughts and prayers.
Most Sincerely,
Our thoughts are with you and your family. Hoping for the best!
Our thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family.
Ed, my thoughts and prayers are with your sister, her children, you, and your entire family.
Keep positive Angela. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Angela you are on the Holy Angel's prayer list and in the bulletin so all can pray for you. Love Renee
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Lisa McLain
To Ed and the whole McDade Family. I am praying for Angela she is a fighter and she has the best team helping her. Family is a precious gift and together you will help her through this. God Bless all of you...
please pull through we know you can
Hi Mommy..
I love you so much..
I wanted you to see this when you get home..Darren and I miss you very much.and Brandon does too...
Promise me you'll fight really hard to get better..
Hurry home Mommy
Love courtney xoxo
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