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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well what a long afternoon that was!

After waiting over 1.5 hrs for the first doctor to see me, we finally sat down, went through a bunch of function tests and then got down to business. The tumour is still present, even after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The size of it is 4.1cm by 2.6cm. (in an irregular shape). The written report stated that the findings were "in keeping with history of Glioblastoma". In plain terms, I am the typical Cancer patient with this type of tumour. I guess what that means to me at this point is that have to still go with their current prognosis until we discover other findings further down the road.

So what happens now........

Beginning tonight (yes, tonight) I will start my next round of chemotherapy which will consist of a 5 day treatment plan at 4 times the dosage of my previous chemo. I will do this for a minimum of 6 months. I will be seen by the LRCC doctors every 4 weeks during this treatment. My next MRI will be sometime in mid-July.

Of course with a higher chemo dose comes a higher dose of anti-nauseant meds too. That means it'll be back to sleepy ole Ed for a while. That being said, please understand my requirement for sleep.

After my first 5 days of treatment, I will see what effect it has on me and then hopefully begin putting together a plan for the Disney trip.

So thats about it....tumour is still present...going to try fight it with more goes on :)

Thanks to all who sent their well-wishes today helped to put me a little more at ease :)


April 29/2008

Well its here. Today is the day I find out what has been going on in that brain of mine! Don't most people go to a therapist to find out that stuff? I have to admit I am very anxious about it all. I wish it were 3pm right now!! I just want the anticipation to be over with. I'm better at dealing with "results" rather than the "unknown". But to quote my buddy Dr.Phil......"the only thing you are in control of is YOU". I can't change the results, I can't change the time, I can't change anything other than me......So that being said, I'm going to try to have a quiet day, just puttering around here and keeping myself occupied until its time!

Now onto some uplifting items!! When I finally decided to get out of the house last night, I checked my mail at the end of the drive and there was the usual junk, but along with all that junk, there was a greeting card sent by my landlords (who live on the same property). Inside the card was yet another contribution to the Disney Fund. On top of being great landlords, Marilyn and Rob are just overall "good people". I don't even think of the relationship as landlord-tenant, but rather as good friends (with whom I owe money to every month!) lol Thank you both for who you are :)

I will post again today once I return home and get settled, the results of today. If you do not see anything posted by midnight, THEN start to call ;)

But seriously, everyone who is reading this obviously has some type of relationship with me and I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support throughout this challenge. The days go by alot easier knowing you have so many people on your side.

Until later today......



Monday, April 28, 2008

D-Day tomorrow

Well tomorrow at 3pm is my first appointment to review brain MRI I had a couple of weeks ago. I have to admit I'm feeling a little anxious about it. I guess its that fear of the unknown. Once I know the results, whether good or not so good, I'll feel a little more at ease. Its these results that I've been waiting for so that I can start planning for Faith's trip to Disney. I just hope there will be nothing that will hamper it (i.e. more surgery). If so, I guess that just means I'll need to be a little more inventive with my planning.

Hopefully tonight will be a quiet night so I can do a little reading to hopefully relax. Just cross your fingers for me tomorrow....thats all I ask ;)

Talk soon,


Thursday, April 24, 2008

A bit of an update......

Well, yesterday I got results from the neck MRI and it showed positive improvement. The herniated disc has shrunk almost back to its original size! My doctor said that this only occurs in 5 to 10% of cases so I'll count myself as lucky! Thats one less thing I have to worry about now.
Today, I had my first brain MRI since surgery. This will show whether there has been any improvement or worsening of my condition. I meet with my 2 cancer doctors on Tuesday of next week to review the results and plan our next attack.(which as far as I know, will be more chemotherapy according to my last visit)

I've been keeping in touch with a few of my old military buddies lately and they are planning to have some sort of fund-raiser in Calgary for the "Disney Fund". I'll tell you, I was totally amazed at this. Being as I got out of the military in 1990, its nice to know that we left enough of an impact on each others lives to continue to care after all these years.

I've been trying to lay low lately, doing some of the things that I need to accomplish etc. Trust me though, I do read all the e-mails etc every day and I thank you for your thoughts :)

Healthwise, I am still quite fatigued. I can't seem to last the whole day without having a nap (or two!) I guess my body is just telling me its payback time and I have to listen to it.

I probably won't update again until after Tuesday of next week when I have my appointment at the Cancer Clinic.

With heartfelt thanks to all :)


Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well, its Sunday at 6:50am. I really need a hobby eh! lol

In perspective, it was nice to hear fellow "C" sufferer Heather S is only going to have to deal with one type of cancer right now. Even though dealing with even one will not be fun, it could have been alot worse. Glass half full theory right Heather!!

The weekend has been fairly quiet. Still feel like I am waiting at the bus stop for the "Round Two" bus to come along. I know I shouldn't sit and dwell on it but I really suck at playing the waiting game. I just want to keep moving forward.

Another ray of sunshine showed up in my mailbox the other day. It was a very wonderful card from Norma J and Gary J, who are both part of my Cami family. Also enclosed was a contribution to the Disney Fund. Thank you ever so much :)

From my visits last week with my Cami friends, I see that there is alot of management shuffle going on with the upcoming shift reduction etc. Just like the old saying goes I guess, "A change is as good as a rest". You can use this opportunity to either sh*t or shine.....thats my thought ;)

I'm still awaiting on the arrival of my copy of "The Last Lecture". Cathy V was kind enough to offer try to pick me up a copy in London over the weekend. I can't ever remember having this much anticipation to read a book!! lol I guess its because of the fact the I feel Randy Pausch and I have so much in common.

Well I guess thats all for now......sorry that I don't have too much news to report.



Thursday, April 10, 2008

" It is what it is "

I feel a little more at peace today after watching Diane Sawyer's story on PrimeTime Live last night. For those of you who didn't get the opportunity to watch it, the storyline was about an amazing man named RANDY PAUSCH. This gentleman told the story of his current life with pancreatic cancer and how is family (an amazing wife and 3 small children ) is dealing with it. He has also just released a book entitled " THE LAST LECTURE" which will be first on my list today to go out and purchase.

I won't divulge the meat of the storyline to you but will only say that I feel that Randy and I seem to have the very same outlook on life and death. The title of my blog today is taken from a line that he uses to describe the outlook and prognosis of his cancer. He knows he is going to die before his intended time but I think he realizes what his purpose was on this earth and he should certainly go out knowing that he has touched way more people's lives than he ever thought possible.

There are a couple of different homepages you can view and even download the actual "Last Lecture" to view etc. Living or dying, I highly recommend you view this.

Ok, onto my less exciting "stuff".......

The past couple of days have been very busy for me. My Assembly friends from work took me out to supper the other night. It was most of the same group who have taken the time out of their busy lives just to touch base with me as the last time. There were also a few new welcome faces in the crowd as well. (Ted H, Melanie C, Tom E) As simple as the setting was, it was once again an evening that left me feeling like I remained "part of the gang" at work.

If you happen to be on Facebook and look at my profile or Heather's, you'll see some pictures of the hilarious day I had yesterday with fellow Cancer survivor Heather H and my retired office coordinator Bev M. We went for lunch at a diner here in Tillsonburg, then grabbed coffee and headed to Lake Lisgar to enjoy the weather. If you look at the pictures, you'll see that Bev absolutely refuses to grow old. That woman is a bundle of energy and laughs. Lets just say that Lake Lisgar is a little more alkaline now and we know that Bev's car alarm works! (see the writer or Heather for further details) lol

I cannot believe the amount I have been sleeping the past 2weeks. My body has certainly taken over any other plans I may have had and been forcing me to sleep. I'm positive this is a good thing but it gets in the way of me doing some of the things I wanted to do!!! Oh well, I'm sure things will change soon and my energy level will increase.

Nothing new on the medical side of things......still playing the waiting game until my next brain MRI on April 23rd. And of course there will a week or two delay after that to retrieve the results I'm sure.

Heather, I wish you well today on your visit to the Cancer Clinic, hopefully you get some answers and direction for this journey.

Take care


Monday, April 7, 2008

New week, better weather!

Gotta like it....high of 17 today. Its funny how the weather can flick that switch inside us and all of a sudden we have an extra bounce in our step or find it that much easier not sweat the small stuff!

Hopefully I'll have enough energy to putter around outside and soak up some of this weather today. Heck, I don't care if I'm outside counting the rocks in the gravel driveway......just get me outside!!!!

Still fighting a bit of a cold right now. It seemed that it was hiding in the shadows, just waiting for me to finish me treatments!!! Grrrrr Needless to say, the weekend was fairly quiet.

Went to Hamilton on Saturday for an MRI of my neck. I'll now await the results to see if surgery is still in order this month. If so, it'll be another 3 hour surgery where they will remove the old disc, replace it with a cadaver disc, and then fuse it together.

Have a terrific day :)


Friday, April 4, 2008

TGIF...with a sprinkle of rain!

Well it could be worse, we could be shovelling it!! From what I hear, yesterday was a beautiful day! Unfortunately I slept through the majority of it. I'm learning to listen to my body now. When it says sleep, I sleep. I'm hoping that if I continue to be the "good boy" and do this, it will help me get somewhat back to feeling like my old self.

I did wake up at the usual 4am this morning but forced myself to stay in bed and I think I must have fell back asleep for almost another hour anyways. (baby steps right!) Who knows, by the end of next week I might actually get a full nights rest!

My old work colleague Brent B. sent away for me to receive a "2008 Vacation Planning DVD" for Disneyworld a while back. It came in the mail the other day so I guess I can somewhat start planning now :) Now I'll just have to find someone who is unemployed, has cash, and can get away for a week or two to come with us! Oh if I could only get Super Nanny to take the time off her show and come! lol I love that show.....she certainly puts us parents in our place. Yeah, she's British too, so of course I have a soft spot for her.

I've promised Faith that we will go back to Wheels Inn soon also. I took her and her friend there last year and they both absolutely loved it. No, its not "Great Wolf" but you can't beat it for the price. They've managed to keep the place looking good and not nearly the crowds. All I ever hear from Faith regarding holidays is "Wheels Inn", so I know that will satisfy her holiday hunger until I can get the other organized. By the way, "mum" is the word as far as Disney is concerned, I don't want Faith to know anything until its firmed up and organized.

Shaving your head really sucks! Not sure where that thought came from but I'm gonna throw it in here. I've been looking for that "specialized razor" designed for shaving your head but of course now that I NEED it, its nowhere to be seen in any store! If anyone sees it or has any tips on shaving the ole melon, I'd be more than happy to hear from you.

Have a terrific weekend and hopefully with the nice weather, we can enjoy some outdoor time with our children rather than only being concerned about getting the yard cleaned up. Or better yet, do it together and have the best of both worlds :)

Take care,


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My last day!!

Wow, its hard to believe that today is FINALLY my last day of radiation and chemotherapy!! Well for a month anyways (let me enjoy it would ya!) No more radiation ....ever! In all seriousness, I have mixed feelings about that. Knowing that I cannot have anymore radiation therapy makes me feel good but at the same time also makes me realize that that means there is one less option for keeping "creeping charlie" under control. The body cannot handle radiation therapy in the same location more than once in a lifetime generally. So now my options will consist of chemotherapy and surgery. Then there are the non-conventional treatments such as naturopathy etc to consider.

Another thing on my "must-do" list will be to visit at least 2 of my old military friends out in Calgary. I talked briefly with one of them last night via mobile Facebook and it re-affirmed my need to go out there. Although its been 18 years since we've seen each other, it seems like only yesterday. I guess those are the bonds that we develop during different phases of our life that we never lose, no matter the distance or the time that passes.

Got an amazing e-mail from my best friend yesterday, just telling me what our friendship means etc. Guy to guy, thats a pretty big feat to accomplish. Thanks bud ;)

Well my appointment isn't until 5:15pm tonight so I guess I actually have a day to do as I please!

I love my family, I love my friends and most of all, I love the life I've been given :)

Until next time


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools!!

I think I must be the #1 April fool, as there aren't a whole lot of other people who are up at this ungodly hour!! lol Oh well, I'll be first in the line-up at Timmie's right!!! heh heh

Well 2 more treatments to go (counting today). They burst my bubble yesterday though telling me that the fatigue won't go away for 2-3 months and during the 3rd month I may experience a drop in progress for a bit. Apparently thats normal though. And with beginning more chemo in 4 weeks, who knows, maybe my fatigue level won't get better anyways. This is such a "wait and see" kind of game.

I have not been able to keep up with everyone's mail, phone calls etc the past while, and I just wanted to apologize for that. Its almost like you have to catch me during one of my energy bursts otherwise I'm lights out on the couch to regain some strength. A few of my close friends are getting a good laugh at me because I can't even seem to watch a 2 hour movie without nodding off.

Beware of pranksters today!

With you all in spirit :)
