Well to my surprise and astonishment, I seen 4:30am again this morning. I've even cut back on drinking any coffee or caffeine after supper! I cringe after just writing that because I know all my well-meaning friends will have 500 ways to help yourself sleep being electronically prepared and thrown into my in-box by the end of the day. My in-box currently sits at 346 unread mails, that should tell you how good I'm doing at that!!
My buddy Robert from work tells me that he has even seen my blogs being printed off and sitting on the lunch tables down in Weld Shop. Wow!! It is yet another gesture of all my Cami friends showing that they care and that there are no salary/hourly borders when it comes to something like this.
Lynn and Bernie R., you are amazing people. Thank you ever so much for the beautiful card and money towards "The Disney Fund". Gestures like that just plain shocking. :) I can't wait until this "double-whammy treatment" ends so that I can start planning that trip. It will mean the world to Faith and I. I am truly grateful that I will also be able to record those memories now with my new Handycam that I got from all my friends and colleagues at Cami. I am honoured to be employed at such a place with such wonderful people.
I guess I should probably post the latest picture of me with my new hairdo (or lack of). The picture I will attach will be one taken last night at Niko's in Tillsonburg. My sisters Shirley and Karen took me out for a belated birthday dinner. Niko's is an amazing new restaurant in T'burg. Go if you get the chance. And a great big public thank you to both of them for taking my mind off the current state of affairs and just being there to enjoy each other's company. :)
So I'm going to go out on a limb and figure that the new med is NOT going to help me sleep. I guess its just something I am going to have to accept and deal with daily until treatment is done. I will just continue to sleep whenever the need presents itself. (kinda like riding the Bullet Train in Japan and watching how all the local folk would fall asleep as soon as the got on the train, and somehow just "know" when it was time to wake up for their stop) I see myself as a lucky guy to have travelled to places like Japan for work. It certainly opens your eyes to the different cultures. Once again, without Cami, that opportunity would not have happened.
On that note, I know we are going through some trying times at Cami with the down-sizing of the workforce and all the internal posting movement, job changes etc right now. If I can offer you all any kind of advise, it would be to embrace these changes and make them happen, for these changes are what will keep our ship afloat. There will be times of unrest, hopefully minimal confusion, and animated conversations between workers and staff, departments etc. Just remember that 1. we can be part of the problem or part of the solution...your choice! 2. We are all there for the same reason with the same end goal in mind, to provide the customer with a quality vehicle which in turn , will allow us to afford our loved ones a quality lifestyle. I will never ever forget the nights of sleeping in a tent with 20 other troopers, freezing my butt off in northern Alberta, thinking "man, there HAS to be something better out there than this!!" I loved my military days, but I was more than happy to hand in my sub-zero sleeping bag after my time was up. My 3 years taught me an enormous amount of respect, discipline and a work ethic which undoubtedly allowed me to get to my current position at Cami. So yea, 3 years, one United Nations Cyprus medal later...thank you Canada :)
Ok, quickly onto my current health level (before my fingers go numb).....
I am still feeling very fatigued throughout the day. I push myself to accept visitors because they are good medicine too. In between I nap and nap and nap and....well you get the drift. My head is quite burnt, from the radiation, which only gets worse as the days goes on. My friend Linda B. has graciously provided me with some cream to help relieve that issue. My leg is still about 30-40% numb all the time, they said the first 3 weeks after surgery would be tell-tale regarding recovery from that. Its now been about 1.5 months so I'm thinking I'm stuck with being a "shuffler" ;) Mentally, I've been trying to keep busy so that I do not dwell on the situation. I am human afterall though, so I do have my moments.
Ok, I'm typing with my elbows know since my fingers have all gone numb so I'd better close off for now.
If any of my work drivel sounded like preaching, please do not take it that way. I just know from being trough enough of the changes there, that we always get through it, so lets make it as painless as possible.
Remember, the only thing CONSTANT in life or work, is CHANGE!
With Heartfelt gratitude for everything,
My buddy Robert from work tells me that he has even seen my blogs being printed off and sitting on the lunch tables down in Weld Shop. Wow!! It is yet another gesture of all my Cami friends showing that they care and that there are no salary/hourly borders when it comes to something like this.
Lynn and Bernie R., you are amazing people. Thank you ever so much for the beautiful card and money towards "The Disney Fund". Gestures like that just plain shocking. :) I can't wait until this "double-whammy treatment" ends so that I can start planning that trip. It will mean the world to Faith and I. I am truly grateful that I will also be able to record those memories now with my new Handycam that I got from all my friends and colleagues at Cami. I am honoured to be employed at such a place with such wonderful people.
I guess I should probably post the latest picture of me with my new hairdo (or lack of). The picture I will attach will be one taken last night at Niko's in Tillsonburg. My sisters Shirley and Karen took me out for a belated birthday dinner. Niko's is an amazing new restaurant in T'burg. Go if you get the chance. And a great big public thank you to both of them for taking my mind off the current state of affairs and just being there to enjoy each other's company. :)
So I'm going to go out on a limb and figure that the new med is NOT going to help me sleep. I guess its just something I am going to have to accept and deal with daily until treatment is done. I will just continue to sleep whenever the need presents itself. (kinda like riding the Bullet Train in Japan and watching how all the local folk would fall asleep as soon as the got on the train, and somehow just "know" when it was time to wake up for their stop) I see myself as a lucky guy to have travelled to places like Japan for work. It certainly opens your eyes to the different cultures. Once again, without Cami, that opportunity would not have happened.
On that note, I know we are going through some trying times at Cami with the down-sizing of the workforce and all the internal posting movement, job changes etc right now. If I can offer you all any kind of advise, it would be to embrace these changes and make them happen, for these changes are what will keep our ship afloat. There will be times of unrest, hopefully minimal confusion, and animated conversations between workers and staff, departments etc. Just remember that 1. we can be part of the problem or part of the solution...your choice! 2. We are all there for the same reason with the same end goal in mind, to provide the customer with a quality vehicle which in turn , will allow us to afford our loved ones a quality lifestyle. I will never ever forget the nights of sleeping in a tent with 20 other troopers, freezing my butt off in northern Alberta, thinking "man, there HAS to be something better out there than this!!" I loved my military days, but I was more than happy to hand in my sub-zero sleeping bag after my time was up. My 3 years taught me an enormous amount of respect, discipline and a work ethic which undoubtedly allowed me to get to my current position at Cami. So yea, 3 years, one United Nations Cyprus medal later...thank you Canada :)
Ok, quickly onto my current health level (before my fingers go numb).....
I am still feeling very fatigued throughout the day. I push myself to accept visitors because they are good medicine too. In between I nap and nap and nap and....well you get the drift. My head is quite burnt, from the radiation, which only gets worse as the days goes on. My friend Linda B. has graciously provided me with some cream to help relieve that issue. My leg is still about 30-40% numb all the time, they said the first 3 weeks after surgery would be tell-tale regarding recovery from that. Its now been about 1.5 months so I'm thinking I'm stuck with being a "shuffler" ;) Mentally, I've been trying to keep busy so that I do not dwell on the situation. I am human afterall though, so I do have my moments.
Ok, I'm typing with my elbows know since my fingers have all gone numb so I'd better close off for now.
If any of my work drivel sounded like preaching, please do not take it that way. I just know from being trough enough of the changes there, that we always get through it, so lets make it as painless as possible.
Remember, the only thing CONSTANT in life or work, is CHANGE!
With Heartfelt gratitude for everything,
Just a quick comment, cause by the sounds of it you have enough to read, but you look AWESOME!!!! Love the new 'do' it suites you
Luv Ya
Linda I
You rock Ed!!! I can't believe how inspirational you are. I know you don't want to hear this, but when I was in treatment, Sleepytyme Tea changed my life. I now get a good nights sleep. I just HAD to tell you. Heather and I want to come down for lunch, when you're up for it.
Take care, get better and know how much you mean to us all.
Also, get that wheelchair thing. I did and talked Heather into it. It's GREAT.... always have good parking.
Beth Travis
McFly, I luv you honey. If you need a ride anywhere at anytime pick me. I told George we were heading his way when you were up to it.
You words certainly give all of us a lesson on how to live each day as a gift.
I didn't want you to know at work but you were my favorite A/L. I can tell you that now as I retired. The rest of them will have to get over it.
We are heading to Florida tomorrow but I have had you in my prayers along with Heather for some time now.
Call for anything, your friend Bev.
I love the new look, It really does suit you. Look at all the money you save on Shampoo.
Keep fighting and know that you are in our thoughts and Prayers.
Lynn and Joe
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