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Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday and rain...

Well it could be much worse, it could be Monday and SNOW!!! When I awoke at 3:40am today, I was pleasantly surprised to hear the sound of the rain outside. I like the rains this time of year because they seem to wash away the Winter grime and provide us with a fresh base to begin the Spring season with. With any luck, the rains will wash away all of our Winter blues as well and make us all think of that "fresh start" we've been given for the year. Run with that comment however you see fit, whether its your personal life, your job or any other goal you've been putting off. There is no time like the present. (to steal a quote: "They call it a present because it is a GIFT")

Ok, I'm done with the sappy stuff now ;) Another early morning for me, chugging along on about 3.5 hrs sleep. I'm not even sure how I do it anymore.....but I do! I still find the ways and means to help the people in my life that are important to me. Some of you may think that's just outright DUMB, to be doing that in my condition, and normally I'd agree. Thing is, its those small things that I'm still able to do that make me feel good inside. If I can make someone else's life just a little less stressful or complicated, I will. That is the stuff that makes ME happy. I agree that my rest is important too but there is no better medicine than feeling good right!?

Well its down to 2 treatments after today. I am very much looking forward to it. I'll miss talking to the other patients at the Clinic.....its always nice to share stories with someone who has rode the same bull as you. I had the opportunity to talk to a lady in her mid-forties last week who was on the last couple of days of treatment for breast cancer. She could have been a runway model and I know that she took alot of pride in her appearance. This woman was absolutely over-joyed that her results were positive and that she was almost done her treatments. You could have turned the lights out in the clinic that day because she was emanating enough sunshine to light up that whole hospital. Its the victories like that, which I have witnessed, that fuel up my own tank to keep pushing onward:)

I received another beautiful card yesterday from a close family friend's daughter and husband (Michele and Con) that contained a contribution to the "Disney Fund" which was totally shocking to me. Just to know that people over the years may drift apart but in trying times, they are there is a heartbeat. I'm not even talking about the contribution either, just receiving the card meant so much. I do however, thank you from the bottom of my heart for both. When Faith is old enough to comprehend all of this, I want her to know what an important part all of my family, friends and co-workers played in helping to give her and I the best memories imaginable.

Whenever I am finished with this blog stuff, I plan I getting it printed off in some kind of nice format, to give to my daughter to help her in remembering the kindness that people have shown both of us. With any luck, she'll be in a position to pay it forward at some point during her long life :) (Daddy will be watching Faith so make me proud)

That little girl is the shining star in my life. (yep, the tears are flowing now and the damned sun isn't even up!)

Until next time....


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