Hi all:
I just returned from seeing Angela today and as we thought, she is to be released from the hospital tomorrow around lunch time. Hows THAT for progress eh! When I visited her today, she looked terrific. Physical weakness and lengthy walking still hinders her but that will all come with time I am positive.
Thanks go out to Jim FV who kindly loaned out a walker for Angela to use until she is finished her rehab. Thanks also to the other folks who replied to my previous blog with suggestions of the Legion etc.
Angela will be staying with our parents until such a time that she is once again able to carry out her own day-to-day activities.
On behalf of my family, I cannot begin to thank each and every person who sent well wishes, sincere thoughts and prayers Angela's way during this time. I have no doubt in my mind that all that positive energy assisted her on her road to recovery.
As a family, I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief now, knowing that Angela is out of the woods and gaining momentum every day towards recovery. On a personal note, I'd like to thank my family for being able to pull together as a team and focusing on the common goal of Angela's health and doing whatever it took to accomplish that. I'm so proud of all of them :)
With that being said, hopefully, as I said earlier, my next blog regarding Angela's health will be quite boring and short. Hopefully I'll be able to report that she has recovered fully and is back to living a normal life with her 3 wonderful children. Brandon, Courtney and Darren have all been troopers throughout this situation and have been surrounded by the love of my family as well as close friends of Angela.Steve and Krista...thanks for taking Brandon under your wing and to my sister Shirley, thanks for taking Courtney and Darren into your fold.
With sincere thanks and gratitude,
The McDade family.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
my lil sis (8)
Hi all :)
Well its been about a week since I posted anything regarding Angela's condition. I am now happy to report that she MAY be going home this Wednesday. When I say home though, I mean to our parent's home, where she will continue to rehabilitate with the help of Home Care services I am sure. I intend on visiting tomorrow so I will hopefully have some more concrete information after that.
Angela is breathing 100% on her own and has had the trache tube removed from her neck now. All of this is wonderful progress and she continues to get stronger every day. Angela is able to walk with the aide of a wheeled walker right now and is able to complete 8 stairs at the moment. If anyone has a wheeled walker that is sitting in your basement or attic collecting dust, I am sure Angela would appreciate the use of it temporarily rather than have to put out more money for a temp. assistive device that will be used for hopefully only a few months and then tucked away again. Please contact me if you have anything like this. ~ ed_mcdade@hotmail.com ~
Hopefully my next post regarding Angela will be boring to you all in the sense that I will be able to report that she is doing just fine and with no residual effects to her health!! Once again, our entire family thanks each and every one of your continued thoughts and prayers through out all of this.
Ed McDade & family
Well its been about a week since I posted anything regarding Angela's condition. I am now happy to report that she MAY be going home this Wednesday. When I say home though, I mean to our parent's home, where she will continue to rehabilitate with the help of Home Care services I am sure. I intend on visiting tomorrow so I will hopefully have some more concrete information after that.
Angela is breathing 100% on her own and has had the trache tube removed from her neck now. All of this is wonderful progress and she continues to get stronger every day. Angela is able to walk with the aide of a wheeled walker right now and is able to complete 8 stairs at the moment. If anyone has a wheeled walker that is sitting in your basement or attic collecting dust, I am sure Angela would appreciate the use of it temporarily rather than have to put out more money for a temp. assistive device that will be used for hopefully only a few months and then tucked away again. Please contact me if you have anything like this. ~ ed_mcdade@hotmail.com ~
Hopefully my next post regarding Angela will be boring to you all in the sense that I will be able to report that she is doing just fine and with no residual effects to her health!! Once again, our entire family thanks each and every one of your continued thoughts and prayers through out all of this.
Ed McDade & family
Monday, November 24, 2008
Angela's room transfer
FYI to all:
Tonight, Angela was moved to the General Floor. Her new room number is D5(D zone 5th floor) Room # 111A.
The nurse's station phone number there is 519 685-8500 ext. 54857#
For parking etc, it will probably be easier to park on the second level and take the mezzanine walkway across, then the D zone elevator to the 5th floor.
Thanks :)
Tonight, Angela was moved to the General Floor. Her new room number is D5(D zone 5th floor) Room # 111A.
The nurse's station phone number there is 519 685-8500 ext. 54857#
For parking etc, it will probably be easier to park on the second level and take the mezzanine walkway across, then the D zone elevator to the 5th floor.
Thanks :)
my lil sis (7)
Good afternoon :)
Well I have to say that Angela has improved substantially over the past few days. When I went up to visit her today, as soon as I walked in the room, I could notice that the "old Angela" was back with us. Her colour looked healthier and she seemed alot more content.
A couple of "firsts" happened today too! Angela was able to shower for the first time since being admitted. That in itself surely brought some feelings of dignity back to her. She also ate solid food for lunch today. She only ate about half of it but it went down with no issues and she was able to keep it down too. These are all very positive steps. I will CONTINUALLY remind her in the future that I was the one to feed her her first solid meal in the hospital!! lol
Angela has been off the ventilator 100% for 24+ hours now. She should bew able to stay off it for good now as long as her lungs continue to improve the way they have been. With that being said, Ang may be transferred out of the Critical Care Trauma Centre within 24-48 hrs. From there,she would go to the floor and be taken care of from there.
They are also considering transferring her to St.Thomas for the remainder of her stay where she would undergo rehabilitation to regain her strength in her legs and arms. Her time in hospital remains unknown but the Dr. I talked to today said at a stretch, another month.Every case is different though and everyone recovers at a different rate, so we will just play it by ear and go from there.
As I'm sure most of you are aware by now, Angela is able to talk since the being taken off the vent and by capping the trache tube. I know for a fact that Angela was relieved to be able to communicate verbally with everyone once again, but if she starts getting lippy with me, I'll un-cap her and put her on the vent myself!!!! ;)
The neurologist (Dr. Brian Young) will be once again reviewing Angela's condition to determine the root cause of her severe weakness in her right arm. Hopefully it is a "local" cause i.e. torn muscle etc and not a neurological issue. I believe they are going to perform an E.M.G. test on her to test for muscle response etc. ( Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the activation signal of muscles. EMG is performed using an instrument called an electromyograph, to produce a record called an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells contract, and also when the cells are at rest.)
Thank you to all of you for your continued support, kindness and love throughout this ordeal.
Ed McDade
Well I have to say that Angela has improved substantially over the past few days. When I went up to visit her today, as soon as I walked in the room, I could notice that the "old Angela" was back with us. Her colour looked healthier and she seemed alot more content.
A couple of "firsts" happened today too! Angela was able to shower for the first time since being admitted. That in itself surely brought some feelings of dignity back to her. She also ate solid food for lunch today. She only ate about half of it but it went down with no issues and she was able to keep it down too. These are all very positive steps. I will CONTINUALLY remind her in the future that I was the one to feed her her first solid meal in the hospital!! lol
Angela has been off the ventilator 100% for 24+ hours now. She should bew able to stay off it for good now as long as her lungs continue to improve the way they have been. With that being said, Ang may be transferred out of the Critical Care Trauma Centre within 24-48 hrs. From there,she would go to the floor and be taken care of from there.
They are also considering transferring her to St.Thomas for the remainder of her stay where she would undergo rehabilitation to regain her strength in her legs and arms. Her time in hospital remains unknown but the Dr. I talked to today said at a stretch, another month.Every case is different though and everyone recovers at a different rate, so we will just play it by ear and go from there.
As I'm sure most of you are aware by now, Angela is able to talk since the being taken off the vent and by capping the trache tube. I know for a fact that Angela was relieved to be able to communicate verbally with everyone once again, but if she starts getting lippy with me, I'll un-cap her and put her on the vent myself!!!! ;)
The neurologist (Dr. Brian Young) will be once again reviewing Angela's condition to determine the root cause of her severe weakness in her right arm. Hopefully it is a "local" cause i.e. torn muscle etc and not a neurological issue. I believe they are going to perform an E.M.G. test on her to test for muscle response etc. ( Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the activation signal of muscles. EMG is performed using an instrument called an electromyograph, to produce a record called an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells contract, and also when the cells are at rest.)
Thank you to all of you for your continued support, kindness and love throughout this ordeal.
Ed McDade
Saturday, November 22, 2008
my lil sis (6)
Happy snowy Saturday morning to you all!
Ugh, enough of this white stuff already. I think I'm going back to Florida! So, I was up to see Ang yesterday and here are the highlights of my visit:
Yesterday they were in the midst of trying to keep Angela a full 24 hrs off the ventilator to allow her to breathe un-assisted. If this 24 hour trial is/was successful, they'll keep her off the vent for good unless her lungs begin to get too tired. Her being off the vent is the major criteria for getting out of that ward and into the general floor wards.
Also, if the ventilator weaning is successful, they can cap off her trache opening which will allow Angela to talk and possible start eating and drinking some solid foods. More good news is that the "echo-cardiogram" results came back and her heart is in good shape!
They had Angela sitting upright in a chair yesterday but after about an hour of this she became very uncomfortable in her lower back area so they hoisted her back into the bed. I asked if I could operate the hoist but they said no :( lol
For those of you who may be visiting in the near future, I'm sure Angela would appreciate the odd magazine or local newspaper to read. If you're there visiting, you could help with page turning as she is still quite weak. In the next couple of weeks, there is the POSSIBILITY of Angela being transferred back to the St.Thomas hospital but I don't think we are too keen on rushing that in case any complications develop between now and then. Baby steps for everything here.
Ugh, enough of this white stuff already. I think I'm going back to Florida! So, I was up to see Ang yesterday and here are the highlights of my visit:
Yesterday they were in the midst of trying to keep Angela a full 24 hrs off the ventilator to allow her to breathe un-assisted. If this 24 hour trial is/was successful, they'll keep her off the vent for good unless her lungs begin to get too tired. Her being off the vent is the major criteria for getting out of that ward and into the general floor wards.
Also, if the ventilator weaning is successful, they can cap off her trache opening which will allow Angela to talk and possible start eating and drinking some solid foods. More good news is that the "echo-cardiogram" results came back and her heart is in good shape!
They had Angela sitting upright in a chair yesterday but after about an hour of this she became very uncomfortable in her lower back area so they hoisted her back into the bed. I asked if I could operate the hoist but they said no :( lol
For those of you who may be visiting in the near future, I'm sure Angela would appreciate the odd magazine or local newspaper to read. If you're there visiting, you could help with page turning as she is still quite weak. In the next couple of weeks, there is the POSSIBILITY of Angela being transferred back to the St.Thomas hospital but I don't think we are too keen on rushing that in case any complications develop between now and then. Baby steps for everything here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
my lil sis (5)
Hi all:
Just returned from seeing Angela and am happy to inform you that today seemed a better day for her. While my parents were up earlier in the day, they once again allowed Angela to breathe on her own without the assistance of the ventilator. According to the nurse, she did this for 5 hrs today which is a great feat considering she could not breathe at all on her own when she arrived.
The also covered the trache hole so that Angela could try to talk. The nurse said she was able to but didn't say a whole lot, probably due to discomfort in her throat. They have moved Angela down one room on the opposite side now because her old room did not have a lift device that might me needed for her on-going physio. As a bonus, she now has a room with a huge window so she can see the world again:)
Angela's lungs seem to be improving also. Not once while I was there did she cough. The nurse said they were able to suction quite a bit out today, which I would think means its beginning to loosen up.
I still have a concern about Ang's heart though. That issue was kind of put on the back-burner to concentrate on the more pressing issue of the moment....keeping her breathing! lol Perhaps one of the other family members will ask some "heart" questions tomorrow.
I quizzed Ang with some questions that would force her to think back prior to being admitted to hospital. She was able to answer some, but not all questions. I think the question of whether or not she remembered that she and her boyfriend (if you could call the slimeball that) had recently split up. She said that she didn't remember that but our parents had told her. Please tread lightly if you ask her any questions. She does not need any added stress at this time. As for her boyfriend of 5 years....I guess he must have forgotten where the hospital is. No visits, no calls, no nothing.Thats ok though, what comes around goes around ...
Angela has a good network of friends and a loving family that will get her through this bump in the road.
Lastly, but not as important....I am off to Hamilton to see if there is someone there that can try to make a brace for my leg to combat the "drop foot" and "foot inversion" problem I have. Its getting harder and harder to walk on that stupid leg lately.
Ok, thats about it for now.
Take care and thank you for all your continuing support and care for Angela throughout this unfortunate event.
Ed McDade
Just returned from seeing Angela and am happy to inform you that today seemed a better day for her. While my parents were up earlier in the day, they once again allowed Angela to breathe on her own without the assistance of the ventilator. According to the nurse, she did this for 5 hrs today which is a great feat considering she could not breathe at all on her own when she arrived.
The also covered the trache hole so that Angela could try to talk. The nurse said she was able to but didn't say a whole lot, probably due to discomfort in her throat. They have moved Angela down one room on the opposite side now because her old room did not have a lift device that might me needed for her on-going physio. As a bonus, she now has a room with a huge window so she can see the world again:)
Angela's lungs seem to be improving also. Not once while I was there did she cough. The nurse said they were able to suction quite a bit out today, which I would think means its beginning to loosen up.
I still have a concern about Ang's heart though. That issue was kind of put on the back-burner to concentrate on the more pressing issue of the moment....keeping her breathing! lol Perhaps one of the other family members will ask some "heart" questions tomorrow.
I quizzed Ang with some questions that would force her to think back prior to being admitted to hospital. She was able to answer some, but not all questions. I think the question of whether or not she remembered that she and her boyfriend (if you could call the slimeball that) had recently split up. She said that she didn't remember that but our parents had told her. Please tread lightly if you ask her any questions. She does not need any added stress at this time. As for her boyfriend of 5 years....I guess he must have forgotten where the hospital is. No visits, no calls, no nothing.Thats ok though, what comes around goes around ...
Angela has a good network of friends and a loving family that will get her through this bump in the road.
Lastly, but not as important....I am off to Hamilton to see if there is someone there that can try to make a brace for my leg to combat the "drop foot" and "foot inversion" problem I have. Its getting harder and harder to walk on that stupid leg lately.
Ok, thats about it for now.
Take care and thank you for all your continuing support and care for Angela throughout this unfortunate event.
Ed McDade
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What a difference a day makes!
Good evening :)
Well I just returned from seeing my little sister Angela and let me tell you....Wow, what a difference a day makes. I had my daughter here this weekend so I did not go to the hospital yesterday but received regular updates from my family. They told me that there had been improvements but of course, being me, I wanted to see it with my own eyes.
As soon as I walked in the room I got a little grin from Angela and right then I knew that we were going in the right direction. Ang is able to recognize people now, is able to squeeze your hand, wiggle her toes and blink all on command now. This tells me that the fighter in her is still alive and kicking and is not about to give in to this. I sat by the bedside and actually watched TV with her tonight. Throughout my time there I joked with her about various things and I could tell she appreciated my humour (even if it was lame). Every time Angela would cough, she'd raise her eyebrows as if to say "Gawd, I just want to get better and get out of this place.
Apparently sleep hasn't been high on Ang's priority list over the past few days so I told her to close her eyes and rest or I'd duct tape them closed and force her to sleep. ;) Believe it or not, she must have thought I was serious because when I began to stroke her forehead and hair, she closed her eyes for me. That moment between us was precious but even more precious was when I told her I was going to head home and let her rest, kissed her on the forehead and told her I loved her. Angela shocked the heck out of me by mouthing "I love you too" back to me. Needless to say I called mom and dad and told them the news on the way home and they were happy happy happy :)
Even though Ang and I have not been the closest of siblings in the past, I think tonight was a turning point in many ways.
Now that Angela has reached this point, I think that visitors are equally if not more important to her. I think she will be able to appreciate more, the number of people who have come out already, to cheer her on, to pray and hope for a full recovery. Its going to be a long road for Ang, but with the amount of family and friends that have been there to support her thus far, I KNOW she's going to come out on top of this a survivor.
Good night to all.
Well I just returned from seeing my little sister Angela and let me tell you....Wow, what a difference a day makes. I had my daughter here this weekend so I did not go to the hospital yesterday but received regular updates from my family. They told me that there had been improvements but of course, being me, I wanted to see it with my own eyes.
As soon as I walked in the room I got a little grin from Angela and right then I knew that we were going in the right direction. Ang is able to recognize people now, is able to squeeze your hand, wiggle her toes and blink all on command now. This tells me that the fighter in her is still alive and kicking and is not about to give in to this. I sat by the bedside and actually watched TV with her tonight. Throughout my time there I joked with her about various things and I could tell she appreciated my humour (even if it was lame). Every time Angela would cough, she'd raise her eyebrows as if to say "Gawd, I just want to get better and get out of this place.
Apparently sleep hasn't been high on Ang's priority list over the past few days so I told her to close her eyes and rest or I'd duct tape them closed and force her to sleep. ;) Believe it or not, she must have thought I was serious because when I began to stroke her forehead and hair, she closed her eyes for me. That moment between us was precious but even more precious was when I told her I was going to head home and let her rest, kissed her on the forehead and told her I loved her. Angela shocked the heck out of me by mouthing "I love you too" back to me. Needless to say I called mom and dad and told them the news on the way home and they were happy happy happy :)
Even though Ang and I have not been the closest of siblings in the past, I think tonight was a turning point in many ways.
Now that Angela has reached this point, I think that visitors are equally if not more important to her. I think she will be able to appreciate more, the number of people who have come out already, to cheer her on, to pray and hope for a full recovery. Its going to be a long road for Ang, but with the amount of family and friends that have been there to support her thus far, I KNOW she's going to come out on top of this a survivor.
Good night to all.
my lil sis (4)
What a wonderful day it was yesterday. Angela made some definite forward progress throughout the day. She was able to respond to commands such as "blink twice and squeeze my hand". You could also tell that she understood what was going on around her even though she was not verbally able to respond. My sister Karen joked about how she had 2 hot male nurses and Angela was able to raise her eyebrows and almost produce a grin.
Although the doctors tell us she still has a long road ahead of her (with all the family along side her every step of the way) it was so good to hear the happiness in my parent's and sister's voices. Its been an exhausting 8 day for all of us and Angela was able to give us that glimmer of hope to let us all know that it was all worth every second of every day.
Its been the family coming together and rallying, as well as all of our beautiful friends out there that have offered their support, kind thoughts, visits and prayers that have made this happen. You are all truly amazing people.
I will try to update later this evening after I visit Angela.
Although the doctors tell us she still has a long road ahead of her (with all the family along side her every step of the way) it was so good to hear the happiness in my parent's and sister's voices. Its been an exhausting 8 day for all of us and Angela was able to give us that glimmer of hope to let us all know that it was all worth every second of every day.
Its been the family coming together and rallying, as well as all of our beautiful friends out there that have offered their support, kind thoughts, visits and prayers that have made this happen. You are all truly amazing people.
I will try to update later this evening after I visit Angela.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My lil sis (3)
Yesterday, a tracheotomy was performed on Angela. This was done because the throat air tube can only stay in for 7-8 days before the possibility of infection, scarring etc sets in. During this time, they also did a lung biopsy and also got a "Lumbar Puncture" which, if you have ever had an epidural, you can appreciate the discomfort of it. This test is used for extracting fluid for testing. They are testing for meningitis as well as a number of other possibilities.
The CAT scan performed did not show any signs of bleeding in the brain but the EEG did show some signs of seizure activity.
Angela is still quite swollen everywhere, including the brain (encephalopathy)??.
Her lungs are not clear but a chest x-ray is performed daily to monitor progress.
I noticed a lot more coughing from Angela since the new trach was put into her throat but I'm sure this due to the newness of it.
I won't bother to list all of the different tubes coming and going from the poor girl's body but I'll just say that there are a lot!
An MRI was completed yesterday and hopefully we will know more today of the results. The Neurologist is coming in this morning for a consult with Angela.
This morning when I talked with Angela's Primary Nurse, he said that he was getting some "Command Responses" from her. (She could lightly squeeze his hand and wiggle her toes on command) and was otherwise a quiet night for her. Soooooooo, these are good signs. Its nice to see some forward progression for Ang, it gives us all a little more confidence that she'll recover.
I'm sure I've forgotten small details but I think this is the gist of it! Its been a very long 8 days for all of us and we appreciate all that everyone has done.
Very sincerely,
The McDade's
The CAT scan performed did not show any signs of bleeding in the brain but the EEG did show some signs of seizure activity.
Angela is still quite swollen everywhere, including the brain (encephalopathy)??.
Her lungs are not clear but a chest x-ray is performed daily to monitor progress.
I noticed a lot more coughing from Angela since the new trach was put into her throat but I'm sure this due to the newness of it.
I won't bother to list all of the different tubes coming and going from the poor girl's body but I'll just say that there are a lot!
An MRI was completed yesterday and hopefully we will know more today of the results. The Neurologist is coming in this morning for a consult with Angela.
This morning when I talked with Angela's Primary Nurse, he said that he was getting some "Command Responses" from her. (She could lightly squeeze his hand and wiggle her toes on command) and was otherwise a quiet night for her. Soooooooo, these are good signs. Its nice to see some forward progression for Ang, it gives us all a little more confidence that she'll recover.
I'm sure I've forgotten small details but I think this is the gist of it! Its been a very long 8 days for all of us and we appreciate all that everyone has done.
Very sincerely,
The McDade's
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My lil sis (2)
Hi all:
The previous and next few posts will undoubtedly be about my little sister's progress so please bare with me as I feel that it is substantially more important than my current state of health. I have absolutely no problem with you shifting the powerful momentum that has kept me going over to my sister now....she needs all the help we can muster. wink wink
Well I just returned from the hospital after spending some time with Angela and here is where her health stands:
The CAT scan results came back showing no abnormalities.
Ang still has an elevated temperature of 38.6 degrees
Still requiring 50% oxygen at this point.
Neurologist visited her today and ordered an MRI and an EG. EG has been completed and MRI is scheduled for 10:45pm this evening. I believe the concern is that since Angela has been taken off the sedative drugs for almost 48 hrs now, the staff feel that she should be more responsive to stimulus such as a command etc. On a positive note, Angela seems to be able to at least hear what is going on around her at this point. Her eyes will open if you speak to her and she seems to be able to focus on you for 5-7 seconds before returning to the "gaze". It was very cute to actually see her yawn twice while my dad and I were there this evening. I'm not sure if a yawn is a reflexive reaction or...? Irregardless, it was the first time I was able to smile while in that room.
The MRI and EG results will be reviewed by the Neurologist hopefully tomorrow and with any luck, he'll be able to answer some on the unknowns regarding Ang's current state and quality of life moving forward.
Once again, myself and my family appreciate all your kind thoughts,acts of kindness and prayers through this most trying time.
The McDade Family
The previous and next few posts will undoubtedly be about my little sister's progress so please bare with me as I feel that it is substantially more important than my current state of health. I have absolutely no problem with you shifting the powerful momentum that has kept me going over to my sister now....she needs all the help we can muster. wink wink
Well I just returned from the hospital after spending some time with Angela and here is where her health stands:
The CAT scan results came back showing no abnormalities.
Ang still has an elevated temperature of 38.6 degrees
Still requiring 50% oxygen at this point.
Neurologist visited her today and ordered an MRI and an EG. EG has been completed and MRI is scheduled for 10:45pm this evening. I believe the concern is that since Angela has been taken off the sedative drugs for almost 48 hrs now, the staff feel that she should be more responsive to stimulus such as a command etc. On a positive note, Angela seems to be able to at least hear what is going on around her at this point. Her eyes will open if you speak to her and she seems to be able to focus on you for 5-7 seconds before returning to the "gaze". It was very cute to actually see her yawn twice while my dad and I were there this evening. I'm not sure if a yawn is a reflexive reaction or...? Irregardless, it was the first time I was able to smile while in that room.
The MRI and EG results will be reviewed by the Neurologist hopefully tomorrow and with any luck, he'll be able to answer some on the unknowns regarding Ang's current state and quality of life moving forward.
Once again, myself and my family appreciate all your kind thoughts,acts of kindness and prayers through this most trying time.
The McDade Family
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My lil sis

Hello :)
For anyone who happens to read my blog, as a favour to me, I'd like you to please redirect your thoughts and prayers to my younger sister Angela. Angela has been in the Critical Care Trauma Centre at the new Victoria Hospital since Friday, after being transferred from St.Thomas. Angela we have found out had developed a severe pneumonia. This Pneumonia was/is bad enough that her lungs were not even visible on an x-ray. Angela's lungs were not functioning to get the oxygen to the bloodstream and therefore she required 100% mechanical assistance to breathe from Friday until today. They have eliminated the sedative drugs today in hoping that we will get some kind of stimulated response from her whether that be a physical response to a question or some type of controlled body movement. We will see what transpires over the next few days regarding that.
At the time of writing, Ang has developed a bit of a fever but as the nursing staff had said..."we've messed around with her quite a bit today so this is not totally uncommon"
This is going to be a long haul for Angela and the family I think. There is some heart muscle damage that we know of but it is secondary right now to getting her lungs functioning again. Angela is a working single mom of 3 great kids ranging from ages 7 to 17.
Firstly I would like to thank my family for being able to unite as a family unit during this crisis. Its times like this when we all need to form that circle and not let go. Angela needs to be our common focus and I am positive we will continue to make this happen until she pulls through this.
To our family friends....thank you for all you support thus far. I know it makes a world of difference to my parents and sisters.
To my sister's and my friends...again, I also thank you for the kind words and prayers for Angela. Once again, you've shown what true friends are all about.
Your acts of kindness have ranged from prepared food to just being there, popping in for a visit at the hospital and offering a warm hug.
Thank you all and please keep "Angie Pangie" in your thoughts and prayers.
Most Sincerely,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well my friends, we finally made it to the land where dreams and wishes do come true. Yes, we finally made the trip to DISNEY!!
What a trip it was. Without having any of you fall asleep on your keyboard, I will attempt to give you the Readers Digest version of our trip.
Our trip started out on October 21st at 6am with Back Ty Limo Service picking us up at my house. Both myself and Faith had never been in a limo so I thought it would be nice to start the trip off with a "first" even before the sun rose that day. For my Cami friends, you may remember the owner of Black Ty Limo, Jammie D. He was our driver that morning and my thanks go out to him for his excellent service and his thoughtfulness by providing us with a great discount for his service.
To backtrack for a second...we ended up extending our trip on the front end by two days because Westjet's flights were booked solid on the day we intended to leave. No fault of Westjet, it was my last minute planning. So that being said, we now had 2 days to relax and enjoy the resort at Disney before we hit the parks. I ended up renting a 4 wheeled scooter for the 5 days that we spent at the resort and Disney. It certainly came in handy and saved on some exhaustion I'm sure!
For Faith, I think the highlight of our time at the Magic Kingdom was getting to see all the characters and getting her "Princess Make-over". The make-over was amazing. Faith got to choose everything she wanted to wear from her shoes all the way up to her hair and crown. The Fairy Godmother that did her makeover totally fit the part. She was a very attractive woman in her late fifties I'd think, with long grey/white hair. All throughout the makeover, she'd be whispering Faith's ear, telling her stories etc. The look on my daughter's face was absolutely priceless. I was so happy that I was able to capture it on video and camera. That hour of watching her getting her makeover will forever be in my heat. The kid made her Dad melt;)
After 3 days of Disney, we embarked on a 4 day cruise on the Disney Wonder ship. Our accommodations were fabulous and I was lucky enough to get us a stateroom with a huge balcony facing the rear of the ship. There were so many activities on the ship that I'd have to say that we enjoyed it more than Disney itself!! Every night, Faith's bed would be turned down by our attendant (Ferdy) who would make an animal out of a white towel (Towel Origami?) and have it waiting on her bed. Faith was excited every evening to see what surprise he had left for her.
During the cruise we stopped at 2 ports of call: Nassau Bahamas and Castaway Cay, which is a private island owned by Disney.
Everything about the trip was fabulous, especially the cruise. I will never be able to thank everyone enough, who contributed in one way or another to make this dream become reality. I will forever be in your debt and I will never forget the kindness you have all shown during this trying period in my life. You've helped form some of the best memories possible for both myself and Faith. For that I thank you.
I do have to admit that the trip did wear me out somewhat so I'm just slowly now trying to get back on my feet figuratively speaking, and get things back to normal. In other words, be patient with me when it comes to phone calls, e-mails etc. (I know....I sound like a broken record)
I truly would like to acknowledge the following kind-hearted people who helped to make this happen (If I have missed anyone, please accept my apologies in advance) The names are in no particular order:
My Cami Automotive Inc family (both hourly and salary)
Dawn, Lynn and Bernie Ruddick
Michele and Con Manicom
Norma Joyes and Gary Jasper
My loving parents
Marilyn and Robert Thompson
Brent Barton
Lynn Johnston and Joe Blanche
Lori Cadotte
My Military Family
Brad and Jenn Norman
Westjet Airlines
Black Ty Limousine
Tanners Studio
You have all made a little girl's dream come true and allowed her Dad to pocket some very precious memories.
Thank you all.
Very sincerely,
Ed and Faith McDade
Friday, October 10, 2008
Lots to tell!!
Hello my friends:
Geez, I have so much to tell since my last blog, oh where to begin!!
I guess the first big event was me travelling to Calgary to visit my old military friends. This all started with a little push from Cathy V. who was travelling out west to visit her son. She persuaded me to get out there now and she would be my travel companion to make sure it all went smoothly. A few days after we discussed this, Cathy then informed me that herself and her boyfriend Jim wanted to take care of the ticket for me. This pretty much blew me away. Not only was I going to be able to get to Calgary safely, I was also going gratis on behalf of these two fine people. Thank you Cathy and Jim for everything, its appreciated more than you know.
While I was in Calgary, I stayed with an ex-military friend of mine, Brad Norman, who now works for the Calgary Police Services. From the day I got there, Brad and his wonderful wife Jen, made me feel very much at home and put up with my "analness" regarding certain things. lol Brad and Jen also have two fine children, Jacob and Cassidy who were fantastic throughout the whole time I was there. These two kids are the ones you wish you could clone. Well done Brad and Jen;)
During my stay, I was able to spend a day with Brad and some of his fellow coppers on duty. We busted someone, did a funeral procession, accompanied by the Police Service's Motorcycle section and spent time in a class championed by Brad dealing with drug impairment. Of course I stayed awake and was fully alert for he whole class right Brad!! Of course after that, there was the mandatory coffee break at the nearby Tim Horton's. I decided to pay for coffee for the folks that put their life on the line every day for us with a $100 bill. The cashier decided to give me back $170 for my change!! God love Alberta!! I thought ....just my luck, I could make a quick hundred bucks and here I am with 7 or 8 city cops!! lol Needless to say, I informed the "smart as a whip" cashier that he just MIGHT want that $100 bill for his closing balance. Truthfully, I couldn't have kept it anyways, cops or no cops...I don't have it in me.
During the middle of the week, Cathy (who had rented a car in her son's city) drove to Calgary, picked me up and we spent the day driving through Banff and Lake Louise, ending up in a place called "Copper, British Columbia" I think. The sights were absolutely amazing. When I was in the Army, I never bothered to take the time to truly enjoy the mountains and overall scenery that we have been blessed with in our country. I'm sure I was too busy drinking and tearing it up in downtown Calgary with the rest of my Army buds. I think I had a broken nose to prove that! I'll post a few pictures on here of the trip but will post ALL of the pictures on my Facebook page as soon as possible.
For those of you who remember Rick Demaray from J-side at Cami...Rick and his lovely wife are now living in Cochrane Alberta and Rick is working for LaFarge. Rick was able to graciously get me 4 tickets for the final pre-season hockey game between Calgary and Edmonton (The battle of Alberta) at the Saddledome. The game was fantastic and I thought it would be a nice gesture to take Brad, his son Jake and one of Jake's friends. Jake was over the moon about it, which made it all worthwhile to me.
Thursday evening, I met up with quite a few of my ex-military friends at a local drinking hole where I pulled out some 18 year old pictures and we all laughed and talked about the "good ole days". I can't thank Brad enough for arranging all of this during my stay there. It was amazing seeing the guys after being apart for 18 years. I still grin ear to ear when I think of the good times we had in Calgary and over in Cyprus.
Brad and I also toured around Calgary one day, visited the Military Museum and Brad showed me how much the city had grown since I was there. (1990 pop=350000+ 2008=1.3 million!!)
When we returned on Sunday evening, I was surprised to see that the outside of my home had been decorated with Fall flowers and such by Lori and my sister Shirley. After getting in the house, yet more surprises.....the inside had been outfitted with Fall flowers etc too and my "project=junk room" had been cleaned up for me) I don't know what I'd do without such fantastic people in my life. Thanks ladies ;)
Ok, now for the DISNEY UPDATE!!!!
One of the reasons I have 160+ unread e-mails is because I (along with Lori) have been feverishly trying to organize Disney. We are almost complete and here and the plans so far: We are leaving on October 21st (2 days early due to flight availability) and will hopefully stay on the resort for those 2 days before we begin our "Disney Experience". That way we can relax and enjoy the resort before the fun begins. Spending 3 days at Disney and then 4 days on-board the Disney Cruise ship stopping in the Bahamas and the privately owned Disney island (Castaway Cay). We will be returning on October 30th with tons of pictures to share with you all!!! Believe it or not, even I am excited now!! :)
This past Wednesday, I went for lunch with most of my Material Handling Supervisors. It was great to see them and we had some good laughs. Thank you Peggy for providing this "team-building exercise" and to Joanne for organizing it.
Ok, now that my fingers are ALL the same size as my stubbie, I'd better close off. I'm sure I've forgotten more details of my trip etc and if I have forgotten to thank anyone for making so many of these things a reality, please accept my apologies.
I will discuss the details of my latest MRI in my next blog. I want this to be a happy blog full of good news!! :)
Love and thanks to all
Geez, I have so much to tell since my last blog, oh where to begin!!
I guess the first big event was me travelling to Calgary to visit my old military friends. This all started with a little push from Cathy V. who was travelling out west to visit her son. She persuaded me to get out there now and she would be my travel companion to make sure it all went smoothly. A few days after we discussed this, Cathy then informed me that herself and her boyfriend Jim wanted to take care of the ticket for me. This pretty much blew me away. Not only was I going to be able to get to Calgary safely, I was also going gratis on behalf of these two fine people. Thank you Cathy and Jim for everything, its appreciated more than you know.
While I was in Calgary, I stayed with an ex-military friend of mine, Brad Norman, who now works for the Calgary Police Services. From the day I got there, Brad and his wonderful wife Jen, made me feel very much at home and put up with my "analness" regarding certain things. lol Brad and Jen also have two fine children, Jacob and Cassidy who were fantastic throughout the whole time I was there. These two kids are the ones you wish you could clone. Well done Brad and Jen;)
During my stay, I was able to spend a day with Brad and some of his fellow coppers on duty. We busted someone, did a funeral procession, accompanied by the Police Service's Motorcycle section and spent time in a class championed by Brad dealing with drug impairment. Of course I stayed awake and was fully alert for he whole class right Brad!! Of course after that, there was the mandatory coffee break at the nearby Tim Horton's. I decided to pay for coffee for the folks that put their life on the line every day for us with a $100 bill. The cashier decided to give me back $170 for my change!! God love Alberta!! I thought ....just my luck, I could make a quick hundred bucks and here I am with 7 or 8 city cops!! lol Needless to say, I informed the "smart as a whip" cashier that he just MIGHT want that $100 bill for his closing balance. Truthfully, I couldn't have kept it anyways, cops or no cops...I don't have it in me.
During the middle of the week, Cathy (who had rented a car in her son's city) drove to Calgary, picked me up and we spent the day driving through Banff and Lake Louise, ending up in a place called "Copper, British Columbia" I think. The sights were absolutely amazing. When I was in the Army, I never bothered to take the time to truly enjoy the mountains and overall scenery that we have been blessed with in our country. I'm sure I was too busy drinking and tearing it up in downtown Calgary with the rest of my Army buds. I think I had a broken nose to prove that! I'll post a few pictures on here of the trip but will post ALL of the pictures on my Facebook page as soon as possible.
For those of you who remember Rick Demaray from J-side at Cami...Rick and his lovely wife are now living in Cochrane Alberta and Rick is working for LaFarge. Rick was able to graciously get me 4 tickets for the final pre-season hockey game between Calgary and Edmonton (The battle of Alberta) at the Saddledome. The game was fantastic and I thought it would be a nice gesture to take Brad, his son Jake and one of Jake's friends. Jake was over the moon about it, which made it all worthwhile to me.
Thursday evening, I met up with quite a few of my ex-military friends at a local drinking hole where I pulled out some 18 year old pictures and we all laughed and talked about the "good ole days". I can't thank Brad enough for arranging all of this during my stay there. It was amazing seeing the guys after being apart for 18 years. I still grin ear to ear when I think of the good times we had in Calgary and over in Cyprus.
Brad and I also toured around Calgary one day, visited the Military Museum and Brad showed me how much the city had grown since I was there. (1990 pop=350000+ 2008=1.3 million!!)
When we returned on Sunday evening, I was surprised to see that the outside of my home had been decorated with Fall flowers and such by Lori and my sister Shirley. After getting in the house, yet more surprises.....the inside had been outfitted with Fall flowers etc too and my "project=junk room" had been cleaned up for me) I don't know what I'd do without such fantastic people in my life. Thanks ladies ;)
Ok, now for the DISNEY UPDATE!!!!
One of the reasons I have 160+ unread e-mails is because I (along with Lori) have been feverishly trying to organize Disney. We are almost complete and here and the plans so far: We are leaving on October 21st (2 days early due to flight availability) and will hopefully stay on the resort for those 2 days before we begin our "Disney Experience". That way we can relax and enjoy the resort before the fun begins. Spending 3 days at Disney and then 4 days on-board the Disney Cruise ship stopping in the Bahamas and the privately owned Disney island (Castaway Cay). We will be returning on October 30th with tons of pictures to share with you all!!! Believe it or not, even I am excited now!! :)
This past Wednesday, I went for lunch with most of my Material Handling Supervisors. It was great to see them and we had some good laughs. Thank you Peggy for providing this "team-building exercise" and to Joanne for organizing it.
Ok, now that my fingers are ALL the same size as my stubbie, I'd better close off. I'm sure I've forgotten more details of my trip etc and if I have forgotten to thank anyone for making so many of these things a reality, please accept my apologies.
I will discuss the details of my latest MRI in my next blog. I want this to be a happy blog full of good news!! :)
Love and thanks to all
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Worthy of posting
I thought the following e-mail I received was totally worthy of posting. Good words to live by :)
A Dog's Purpose from a 6 year old.
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron,his wife, Lisa,and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him.
Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.
The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, 'I know why.'Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a goodlife-- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long. 'Please pause a moment and consider to....
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
1. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
2. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
3. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure
4. Take naps.
5. Stretch before rising.
6. Run, romp, and play daily.
7. Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
8. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
9. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
10. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
11. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
12. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
13. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
14. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
15. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
16. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and
nuzzle them gently
17. Be always grateful for each new day.
A Dog's Purpose from a 6 year old.
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron,his wife, Lisa,and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him.
Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.
The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, 'I know why.'Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a goodlife-- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long. 'Please pause a moment and consider to....
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
1. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
2. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
3. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure
4. Take naps.
5. Stretch before rising.
6. Run, romp, and play daily.
7. Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
8. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
9. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
10. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
11. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
12. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
13. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
14. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
15. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
16. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and
nuzzle them gently
17. Be always grateful for each new day.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday's Appt
Hello my friends :
Here's an update from Friday's Cancer Clinic appt:
- not going to start any new chemo at this point to allow my body to heal more
- detailed pathology report showed most of mass removed was dead brain matter (from radiation undoubtedly) with some cancerous cells intermingled
- Will schedule an MRI in approx. one month
- Return visit to see Dr.MacDonald in one month to review status
- Edema in feet and ankles undoubtedly caused by medications, continue to wear compression stockings for relief
In a nutshell, its the waiting game again. There is tumour activity going on in there but the gang of them have not come together to form a big enough mass to be dealt with. The edema is really taking a toll on my feet and ankles. I've found that if I put my work boots on early enough in the day, I'm good to go. Otherwise, there are no other shoes that I can get on my feet. I haven't even been able to find a decent pair of slippers that have enough give to accomodate the swelling.
I took Faith and one of her friend's camping this past weekend (thank you for the use of your trailer Kim!) and we had a great time. I was able to relax somewhat and the girls were able to explore the park (all the while in contact with me via 2-way radios of course!)
My sleep pattern seems to be improving a little. I'm sure this is in part, due to the lesser amount of chemo in my body. (did you know that chemo stays in your body for 6-12 months?)
Not having much luck with the booking of Disney on-line by myself so I think I'll hand it over to the local travel agency and let them take care of it. Wow, I'm actually resigning to the fact that I CAN'T do everything by myself!! ;) On that note, I am going to try my best to utilize the cane more because my walking is getting more and more difficult lately.
Thats about it for now...I'm knee deep in paperwork still so I'de better get to it!
Thank you for all the mail and well wishes :)
Here's an update from Friday's Cancer Clinic appt:
- not going to start any new chemo at this point to allow my body to heal more
- detailed pathology report showed most of mass removed was dead brain matter (from radiation undoubtedly) with some cancerous cells intermingled
- Will schedule an MRI in approx. one month
- Return visit to see Dr.MacDonald in one month to review status
- Edema in feet and ankles undoubtedly caused by medications, continue to wear compression stockings for relief
In a nutshell, its the waiting game again. There is tumour activity going on in there but the gang of them have not come together to form a big enough mass to be dealt with. The edema is really taking a toll on my feet and ankles. I've found that if I put my work boots on early enough in the day, I'm good to go. Otherwise, there are no other shoes that I can get on my feet. I haven't even been able to find a decent pair of slippers that have enough give to accomodate the swelling.
I took Faith and one of her friend's camping this past weekend (thank you for the use of your trailer Kim!) and we had a great time. I was able to relax somewhat and the girls were able to explore the park (all the while in contact with me via 2-way radios of course!)
My sleep pattern seems to be improving a little. I'm sure this is in part, due to the lesser amount of chemo in my body. (did you know that chemo stays in your body for 6-12 months?)
Not having much luck with the booking of Disney on-line by myself so I think I'll hand it over to the local travel agency and let them take care of it. Wow, I'm actually resigning to the fact that I CAN'T do everything by myself!! ;) On that note, I am going to try my best to utilize the cane more because my walking is getting more and more difficult lately.
Thats about it for now...I'm knee deep in paperwork still so I'de better get to it!
Thank you for all the mail and well wishes :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
September 18/2008
Good morning to you all:
Well its been an eventful couple of weeks since my last post. Most recently, I've developed "pitting edema" in both my lower legs/ankles and feet. For those of you unaware of this condition (as I was) Edema is observable swelling from fluid accumulation in body tissues. Edema most commonly occurs in the feet and legs, where it is referred to as peripheral edema. The swelling is the result of the accumulation of excess fluid under the skin in the spaces within the tissues. All tissues of the body are made up of cells and connective tissues that hold the cells together. This connective tissue around the cells and blood vessels is known as the interstitium. Most of the body's fluids that are found outside of the cells are normally stored in two spaces; the blood vessels (as the "liquid" or serum portion of your blood) and the interstitial spaces (not within the cells). In various diseases, excess fluid can accumulate in either one or both of these compartments.
The body's organs have interstitial spaces where fluid can accumulate. An accumulation of fluid in the interstitial air spaces (alveoli) in the lungs occurs in a disorder called pulmonary edema. In addition, excess fluid sometimes collects in what is called the third space, which includes cavities in the abdomen (abdominal or peritoneal cavity - called "ascites") or in the chest (lung or pleural cavity - called "pleural effusion"). Anasarca refers to the severe, widespread accumulation of fluid in the all of the tissues and cavities of the body at the same time.
What is pitting edema and how does it differ from non-pitting edema?
Pitting edema can be demonstrated by applying pressure to the swollen area by depressing the skin with a finger. If the pressing causes an indentation that persists for some time after the release of the pressure, the edema is referred to as pitting edema. Any form of pressure, such as from the elastic in socks, can induce pitting with this type of edema.
In non-pitting edema, which usually affects the legs or arms, pressure that is applied to the skin does not result in a persistent indentation. Non-pitting edema can occur in certain disorders of the lymphatic system such as lymphedema, which is a disturbance of the lymphatic circulation that may occur after a mastectomy, lymph node surgery, or congenitally. Another cause of non-pitting edema of the legs is called pretibial myxedema, which is a swelling over the shin that occurs in some patients with hyperthyroidism. Non-pitting edema of the legs is difficult to treat. Diuretic medications are generally not effective, although elevation of the legs periodically during the day and compressive devices may reduce the swelling.
The focus of the rest of this article is on pitting edema, as it is by far the most common form of edema.
So yeah, in a nutshell, I have been fitted with compresssion stockings to hopefully force the fluid back up through the body and out through the normal route of release. You don't even know what sexy is until you've seen me in these black stockings! UGH!!
On a positive note, I am flying out to Calgary on Sept 27th for 8 days to visit my ex-military friends. Brad Norman and his family have graciously opened thier home for me to stay at while I am there. I am very much looking forward to seeing some old frinds and being able to thank them in person for the contributions both in fund-raising as well as the work they did with Westjet to get us 3 complimentary return flights to Florida or California.
To top off this good news, I was/am to travel with a very dear friend of mine who has been very supportive of me throughout this whole cancer mess.
Cathy V. totally surprised me yesterday by telling me that her, along with her boyfriend, had paid for my airfare to Calgary. Cathy had intended on travelling to Calgary to visit her son,his wife-to-be and thier beautiful new baby and asked if I was still interested in going and did I want someone to travel with. Once again, people's true colours come shining through and in this case, I am ever so grateful to both of them.
In regards to my health status, I have been experiencing a number of headaches still since my last surgery and after looking at my dexamethazone (anti-swelling med for the brain) weaning schedule, all my headaches appear to coincide with when I've reduced my intake of this drug. That being said, twice now my home-care nurse has consulted with my surgeon's nurse and have increased the dosage of this steroid back to its previous level and subsequently, my headaches subsided. To me, this equates to one of two things. Either there is still substantial swelling in and around my brain that requires intervention OR the weaning schedule was too agressive for my brain to cope with.
Hopefully I will have some answers to this and other questions when I return to the Cancer Clinic this Friday for a 3pm appointment.
My options at this point (to my knowledge) and as written in the last medical report states: "There is no further role for radiotherapy.(radiation) Further chemotherapy would be considered but the platelet count needs to improve. Options for chemotherapy include changing the Temozolomide schedule to a longer schedule, either a 21 day each, 28 day schedule or a continuous daily schedule.Alternatively, Lomustine (CCNU) could be tried. Neither treatment is guaranteed to produce a response. I outlined the common concerns regarding myelosuppression and other toxicity with these treatments."
Myelosuppression is a decrease in the production of blood cells. Normal blood contains large numbers of cells, including red blood cells to carry oxygen and white blood cells to fight infections. The blood also contains platelets, tiny cell fragments that initiate blood clotting. These cells and fragments are made in the bone marrow, a reddish substance found in the centers of some bones. Healthy bone marrow makes large numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets each day to replace those that wear out. In myelosuppression, the bone marrow makes too few of these cells.
Yesterday I also met with Joel and Paul Davies Sr for lunch. I haven't seen Joel since we were kids! What a blast from the past that was. They were kind enough to bring along some childhood pictures of us all on our 7 day canoe trip in Algonquin Park. Boy, did that ever bring back some memories!!
I will update you all of the Friday appointment results via this blog and/oer e-mail.
Thank you all for everything :)
Well its been an eventful couple of weeks since my last post. Most recently, I've developed "pitting edema" in both my lower legs/ankles and feet. For those of you unaware of this condition (as I was) Edema is observable swelling from fluid accumulation in body tissues. Edema most commonly occurs in the feet and legs, where it is referred to as peripheral edema. The swelling is the result of the accumulation of excess fluid under the skin in the spaces within the tissues. All tissues of the body are made up of cells and connective tissues that hold the cells together. This connective tissue around the cells and blood vessels is known as the interstitium. Most of the body's fluids that are found outside of the cells are normally stored in two spaces; the blood vessels (as the "liquid" or serum portion of your blood) and the interstitial spaces (not within the cells). In various diseases, excess fluid can accumulate in either one or both of these compartments.
The body's organs have interstitial spaces where fluid can accumulate. An accumulation of fluid in the interstitial air spaces (alveoli) in the lungs occurs in a disorder called pulmonary edema. In addition, excess fluid sometimes collects in what is called the third space, which includes cavities in the abdomen (abdominal or peritoneal cavity - called "ascites") or in the chest (lung or pleural cavity - called "pleural effusion"). Anasarca refers to the severe, widespread accumulation of fluid in the all of the tissues and cavities of the body at the same time.
What is pitting edema and how does it differ from non-pitting edema?
Pitting edema can be demonstrated by applying pressure to the swollen area by depressing the skin with a finger. If the pressing causes an indentation that persists for some time after the release of the pressure, the edema is referred to as pitting edema. Any form of pressure, such as from the elastic in socks, can induce pitting with this type of edema.
In non-pitting edema, which usually affects the legs or arms, pressure that is applied to the skin does not result in a persistent indentation. Non-pitting edema can occur in certain disorders of the lymphatic system such as lymphedema, which is a disturbance of the lymphatic circulation that may occur after a mastectomy, lymph node surgery, or congenitally. Another cause of non-pitting edema of the legs is called pretibial myxedema, which is a swelling over the shin that occurs in some patients with hyperthyroidism. Non-pitting edema of the legs is difficult to treat. Diuretic medications are generally not effective, although elevation of the legs periodically during the day and compressive devices may reduce the swelling.
The focus of the rest of this article is on pitting edema, as it is by far the most common form of edema.
So yeah, in a nutshell, I have been fitted with compresssion stockings to hopefully force the fluid back up through the body and out through the normal route of release. You don't even know what sexy is until you've seen me in these black stockings! UGH!!
On a positive note, I am flying out to Calgary on Sept 27th for 8 days to visit my ex-military friends. Brad Norman and his family have graciously opened thier home for me to stay at while I am there. I am very much looking forward to seeing some old frinds and being able to thank them in person for the contributions both in fund-raising as well as the work they did with Westjet to get us 3 complimentary return flights to Florida or California.
To top off this good news, I was/am to travel with a very dear friend of mine who has been very supportive of me throughout this whole cancer mess.
Cathy V. totally surprised me yesterday by telling me that her, along with her boyfriend, had paid for my airfare to Calgary. Cathy had intended on travelling to Calgary to visit her son,his wife-to-be and thier beautiful new baby and asked if I was still interested in going and did I want someone to travel with. Once again, people's true colours come shining through and in this case, I am ever so grateful to both of them.
In regards to my health status, I have been experiencing a number of headaches still since my last surgery and after looking at my dexamethazone (anti-swelling med for the brain) weaning schedule, all my headaches appear to coincide with when I've reduced my intake of this drug. That being said, twice now my home-care nurse has consulted with my surgeon's nurse and have increased the dosage of this steroid back to its previous level and subsequently, my headaches subsided. To me, this equates to one of two things. Either there is still substantial swelling in and around my brain that requires intervention OR the weaning schedule was too agressive for my brain to cope with.
Hopefully I will have some answers to this and other questions when I return to the Cancer Clinic this Friday for a 3pm appointment.
My options at this point (to my knowledge) and as written in the last medical report states: "There is no further role for radiotherapy.(radiation) Further chemotherapy would be considered but the platelet count needs to improve. Options for chemotherapy include changing the Temozolomide schedule to a longer schedule, either a 21 day each, 28 day schedule or a continuous daily schedule.Alternatively, Lomustine (CCNU) could be tried. Neither treatment is guaranteed to produce a response. I outlined the common concerns regarding myelosuppression and other toxicity with these treatments."
Myelosuppression is a decrease in the production of blood cells. Normal blood contains large numbers of cells, including red blood cells to carry oxygen and white blood cells to fight infections. The blood also contains platelets, tiny cell fragments that initiate blood clotting. These cells and fragments are made in the bone marrow, a reddish substance found in the centers of some bones. Healthy bone marrow makes large numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets each day to replace those that wear out. In myelosuppression, the bone marrow makes too few of these cells.
Yesterday I also met with Joel and Paul Davies Sr for lunch. I haven't seen Joel since we were kids! What a blast from the past that was. They were kind enough to bring along some childhood pictures of us all on our 7 day canoe trip in Algonquin Park. Boy, did that ever bring back some memories!!
I will update you all of the Friday appointment results via this blog and/oer e-mail.
Thank you all for everything :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Update Sept 12/2008
Good morning 3am!
Well I've managed over the past few nights to actually get more than 3 or 4 hours sleep. The sad part of it is, is that it has either been on a Saturday night while I'm supposed to be entertaining friends that came over to watch a UFC PPV or during the middle of a telephone conversation! lol I knew I'd crash hard, it was just a matter of when. That being said, this morning it was 2:45am when I first crawled out of bed.
So my stitches came out this week without issue. The big horse-shoe shped incision seems to be healing well. I've had a constant headache ever since surgery. I finally gave in 2 days ago and called my surgeon's office to see if this was normal. My thoughts were that yes, this was normal due to swelling around the brain from such an intrusive surgery. The nurse agreed with me and we have decided to slow up on my weaning schelule of Dexamethazone. This is a steroid used to combat swelling around the brain due to tumour activity and/or surgery. So hopefully within a day or two my headaches will go away or at least become bearable.
I'm now having problems with my feet/ankles being extremely swollen. This has just started over the past couple of days so I think I'd better make another call to the doctor. Another side effect of the chemo and radiation I "think" I'm beginning to notice is failing kidneys. Without confirmation yet, and just my own gut feelings, I feel like I'm beginning to have issues in that department. I can no longer "hold it" like most of us males can, and unfortunately, have had a few "accidents" along the way. Its not even embarrassing now, its just such a letdown. I'll obviously be reviewing this with my Oncologist when I see him on the 19th.
When it rains, it pours I guess! (no pee pun intended) lol
Before I forget, I want to thank the following people for helping me get fat:
Cathy V.
Betty from work
Rob E. (former Cami employee)
My Mom
My sister Shirley
All these wonderful people have graciously brought me food on at least one occasion and I thank you and any others I may have neglected to mention from the bottom of my heart :) Now can someone just help me with my Jenny Craig sign-up sheet!!
Today, I am off to "Truppe" in Lambeth to hopefully start the fitting process for a custom AFO (ankle /foot orthotic) that will hopefully stop or at least lessen my ankle turning and reduce the amount of "drop foot" I have. With my left foot dragging the way it does, I can no longer sneak up on anyone. You can hear me coming from a mile away!
Yesterday, I recieved in the mail, a cheque in the amount of $2,900.00 to go toward the Disney Dream from the "Old Guard" of my former Military Regiment "Lord Strathconas Horse (Royal Canadian). This is the resutlt of alot of hard work by my former comrade turned cop, Brad Norman. Brad championed at least 2 fund-raising efforts on my behalf in Calgary, where I was stationed during my term in the Canadian Armed Forces. Love ya man!
Until next time.....
Well I've managed over the past few nights to actually get more than 3 or 4 hours sleep. The sad part of it is, is that it has either been on a Saturday night while I'm supposed to be entertaining friends that came over to watch a UFC PPV or during the middle of a telephone conversation! lol I knew I'd crash hard, it was just a matter of when. That being said, this morning it was 2:45am when I first crawled out of bed.
So my stitches came out this week without issue. The big horse-shoe shped incision seems to be healing well. I've had a constant headache ever since surgery. I finally gave in 2 days ago and called my surgeon's office to see if this was normal. My thoughts were that yes, this was normal due to swelling around the brain from such an intrusive surgery. The nurse agreed with me and we have decided to slow up on my weaning schelule of Dexamethazone. This is a steroid used to combat swelling around the brain due to tumour activity and/or surgery. So hopefully within a day or two my headaches will go away or at least become bearable.
I'm now having problems with my feet/ankles being extremely swollen. This has just started over the past couple of days so I think I'd better make another call to the doctor. Another side effect of the chemo and radiation I "think" I'm beginning to notice is failing kidneys. Without confirmation yet, and just my own gut feelings, I feel like I'm beginning to have issues in that department. I can no longer "hold it" like most of us males can, and unfortunately, have had a few "accidents" along the way. Its not even embarrassing now, its just such a letdown. I'll obviously be reviewing this with my Oncologist when I see him on the 19th.
When it rains, it pours I guess! (no pee pun intended) lol
Before I forget, I want to thank the following people for helping me get fat:
Cathy V.
Betty from work
Rob E. (former Cami employee)
My Mom
My sister Shirley
All these wonderful people have graciously brought me food on at least one occasion and I thank you and any others I may have neglected to mention from the bottom of my heart :) Now can someone just help me with my Jenny Craig sign-up sheet!!
Today, I am off to "Truppe" in Lambeth to hopefully start the fitting process for a custom AFO (ankle /foot orthotic) that will hopefully stop or at least lessen my ankle turning and reduce the amount of "drop foot" I have. With my left foot dragging the way it does, I can no longer sneak up on anyone. You can hear me coming from a mile away!
Yesterday, I recieved in the mail, a cheque in the amount of $2,900.00 to go toward the Disney Dream from the "Old Guard" of my former Military Regiment "Lord Strathconas Horse (Royal Canadian). This is the resutlt of alot of hard work by my former comrade turned cop, Brad Norman. Brad championed at least 2 fund-raising efforts on my behalf in Calgary, where I was stationed during my term in the Canadian Armed Forces. Love ya man!
Until next time.....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
3am, we really have to stop this!
Good early morning
Am I surprised....no, but I can dream right? One of these days I will hopefully be able to peek out of one eye to see the blur of a digital 7:00am on the alarm clock and just grin to myself saying "yeah, now THATS what I'm talkin' about!!"
So yeah, I too watched the "star-studded" Cancer Fundraiser the held on the 3 major television networks last night. I don't know about you but I was more astounded by the facts that flew across the screen on just how many people are actually touched by cancer, whether it be personally or otherwise. I truly hope it was an eye opener for for alot of Canadians and Americans.
So its now been about 11 days since my surgery. Overall I still feel pretty good with the exception of some concentrated headaches around the "war zone". I've been keeping track of them in my activity book and will talk with the Doc if they continue over 2 weeks. I started to let my hair grow in a bit now due to the stitches etc. Its coming in almost BLACK!!! (not to mention the occasional grey hair my buddy Al reminds me of. Dork!
So yeah, needless to say, my sister Karen was over the other day and I armed her with my electric trimmer and asked her to get busy on removing that hair! So yes, I'm back down to baring it all again now. Smooth as as baby's bum. Oh wait, I don't have diaper rash do I? ;)
My medications have been adjusted a fair bit since surgery and I think I'm beginning to notice some of the effects...my hands are very shaky right now, my walking is a little more sloppy right now and I just feel "different" overall. (thats right.....insert your "different" joke here folks)
I've been doing some Disney thinking lately. My friend Scott suggested that it might be a good idea to split the week up doing 3 days at Disney and then the 4 day Disney Cruise. I think it would be a great way to accomplish my goal for Faith and to also give her that little bit extra to remember. Thanks Scotty, why didn't I think of this????? :)
My apologies if my last post seemed a little blunt and maybe even crass? I think after coming out of the second surgery, my emotions, views and outlook were a little scattered. Not sure why, maybe it was just the fact that I felt like that last fight (surgery) was just barely won by me and that I can do better. I cannot and will not lie to any of you....I guess I'm just that little bit more nervous of the future now. One day at a time though....thats all I ask for, just one more day :)
With love to you all......
Am I surprised....no, but I can dream right? One of these days I will hopefully be able to peek out of one eye to see the blur of a digital 7:00am on the alarm clock and just grin to myself saying "yeah, now THATS what I'm talkin' about!!"
So yeah, I too watched the "star-studded" Cancer Fundraiser the held on the 3 major television networks last night. I don't know about you but I was more astounded by the facts that flew across the screen on just how many people are actually touched by cancer, whether it be personally or otherwise. I truly hope it was an eye opener for for alot of Canadians and Americans.
So its now been about 11 days since my surgery. Overall I still feel pretty good with the exception of some concentrated headaches around the "war zone". I've been keeping track of them in my activity book and will talk with the Doc if they continue over 2 weeks. I started to let my hair grow in a bit now due to the stitches etc. Its coming in almost BLACK!!! (not to mention the occasional grey hair my buddy Al reminds me of. Dork!
So yeah, needless to say, my sister Karen was over the other day and I armed her with my electric trimmer and asked her to get busy on removing that hair! So yes, I'm back down to baring it all again now. Smooth as as baby's bum. Oh wait, I don't have diaper rash do I? ;)
My medications have been adjusted a fair bit since surgery and I think I'm beginning to notice some of the effects...my hands are very shaky right now, my walking is a little more sloppy right now and I just feel "different" overall. (thats right.....insert your "different" joke here folks)
I've been doing some Disney thinking lately. My friend Scott suggested that it might be a good idea to split the week up doing 3 days at Disney and then the 4 day Disney Cruise. I think it would be a great way to accomplish my goal for Faith and to also give her that little bit extra to remember. Thanks Scotty, why didn't I think of this????? :)
My apologies if my last post seemed a little blunt and maybe even crass? I think after coming out of the second surgery, my emotions, views and outlook were a little scattered. Not sure why, maybe it was just the fact that I felt like that last fight (surgery) was just barely won by me and that I can do better. I cannot and will not lie to any of you....I guess I'm just that little bit more nervous of the future now. One day at a time though....thats all I ask for, just one more day :)
With love to you all......
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
50th Post
So according to the website, this is my 50th post so far. So fifty times, I have laid out my story to whomever cared to peruse "My Life with Cancer"....as written by an amateur with little to no experience in writing other than when I was a kid writing love letters to the girls in school! Maybe I should write for the Tillsonburg News to help fill up their paper!?
Writing the blog has been very therapeutic for me. For anyone who knows me on a personal level, they'd tell you that I am a very quiet, no nonsense kind of person who shows little emotion or compassion. That has been me for 40 years on this earth....to the outside world anyways. I can only hope that this event in my life has taught me to express a little more "emotion, "compassion" and other things that I've kept bottled up over the years. I think we all have to remember that "God never promised us tomorrow" so make the best of what you have today and make sure you let those close to you know exactly how you feel about them. For that matter, those who've pis*ed you off in the past and you've just let it slide....let them know too! Let them know that it hurt when they did that, said that or whatever. I'd sooner have someone tell me that I ticked them off rather than me to go around thinking that all is good and I've done no wrong. ( Oh I hear the line-up at my door now!!)
Ok, I just fell off my soapbox so now let me ramble on about Cancer stuff. Its been one week now since surgery #2 to remove yet another lemon-sized tumour from my brain and I have to say that I don't know how, whether it be the stubborn Scotsman in me or by the grace of God, but I've pulled it off once again. In and out of the hospital in 3 days feeling "almost" like a million bucks. Whatever it is that allows me to regain my strength so fast and recover so quickly, dammit I wish I could bottle it and give it to those who aren't nearly as lucky as me.
I want to thank everyone who respected my wishes to have a quiet weekend at home this past weekend. I truly needed that. It turned out being a very sullen weekend due to some events that transpired but none the less, thank you again. In a nutshell, I guess you could say that I've taken back ownership of being my own guardian angel. I will allow you to take that and run with it as you may.
My leg is still worse than prior to surgery. The doc says it would be normal for this to happen but I guess I need to ask the question of "but for how long"? My left leg severely drags now and I am wearing through too many shoes dammit! I have now been told to seek a custom-made orthotic for my lower leg and ankle....anyone know of any good "fitters"?? The sooner the better I guess because I'm tired of looking behind me waiting for my leg to catch up!! I received a stack of medical reports yesterday regarding me that I have to send off to Canada Pension Disability. I got a little down in the dumps after reading the last report from my LRCC cancer doctor stating that this is a non-curable cancer and we are just now concentrating on what we can do to maintain quality of life before he requires more in-home care and eventually permanent hospitalization. Those comments hit home pretty hard. I guess I have always known in the back of my head that those eventualities could come, I just never expected to see them written on paper with my name at the top of it. So yeah, its time for me to get busy with my recovery and get Faith to her little fantasyland. I'm thinking it may be time for me to start that bucket list. There is no time like the present and I need to learn to grasp each opportunity instead of putting it off until tomorrow.
They have decided to now try to reduce my steroid medication gradually now also. This med is what controls the brain swelling. As of yesterday, I am now down to 2 of these pills a day compared to my normal of 3. Its a gradual thing that will last until early October at which point I will be taking none hopefully. Hopefully I will only see "good" side effects coming off this drug and not some of the scary ones. I've asked a couple of close friends to tap me on the shoulder if they see me getting all whackked or anything.
I have a follow-up appt for the surgery in early October and I'll be heading back to the drawing table at the London Regional Cancer Clinic in a week or two to see what the next "plan" may be.
I am working away at getting caught up on my e-mail so please don't think I'm ignoring anyone....I'm just one guy though, with 9.5 fingers remember! ;)
Thanks for listening and caring...
Writing the blog has been very therapeutic for me. For anyone who knows me on a personal level, they'd tell you that I am a very quiet, no nonsense kind of person who shows little emotion or compassion. That has been me for 40 years on this earth....to the outside world anyways. I can only hope that this event in my life has taught me to express a little more "emotion, "compassion" and other things that I've kept bottled up over the years. I think we all have to remember that "God never promised us tomorrow" so make the best of what you have today and make sure you let those close to you know exactly how you feel about them. For that matter, those who've pis*ed you off in the past and you've just let it slide....let them know too! Let them know that it hurt when they did that, said that or whatever. I'd sooner have someone tell me that I ticked them off rather than me to go around thinking that all is good and I've done no wrong. ( Oh I hear the line-up at my door now!!)
Ok, I just fell off my soapbox so now let me ramble on about Cancer stuff. Its been one week now since surgery #2 to remove yet another lemon-sized tumour from my brain and I have to say that I don't know how, whether it be the stubborn Scotsman in me or by the grace of God, but I've pulled it off once again. In and out of the hospital in 3 days feeling "almost" like a million bucks. Whatever it is that allows me to regain my strength so fast and recover so quickly, dammit I wish I could bottle it and give it to those who aren't nearly as lucky as me.
I want to thank everyone who respected my wishes to have a quiet weekend at home this past weekend. I truly needed that. It turned out being a very sullen weekend due to some events that transpired but none the less, thank you again. In a nutshell, I guess you could say that I've taken back ownership of being my own guardian angel. I will allow you to take that and run with it as you may.
My leg is still worse than prior to surgery. The doc says it would be normal for this to happen but I guess I need to ask the question of "but for how long"? My left leg severely drags now and I am wearing through too many shoes dammit! I have now been told to seek a custom-made orthotic for my lower leg and ankle....anyone know of any good "fitters"?? The sooner the better I guess because I'm tired of looking behind me waiting for my leg to catch up!! I received a stack of medical reports yesterday regarding me that I have to send off to Canada Pension Disability. I got a little down in the dumps after reading the last report from my LRCC cancer doctor stating that this is a non-curable cancer and we are just now concentrating on what we can do to maintain quality of life before he requires more in-home care and eventually permanent hospitalization. Those comments hit home pretty hard. I guess I have always known in the back of my head that those eventualities could come, I just never expected to see them written on paper with my name at the top of it. So yeah, its time for me to get busy with my recovery and get Faith to her little fantasyland. I'm thinking it may be time for me to start that bucket list. There is no time like the present and I need to learn to grasp each opportunity instead of putting it off until tomorrow.
They have decided to now try to reduce my steroid medication gradually now also. This med is what controls the brain swelling. As of yesterday, I am now down to 2 of these pills a day compared to my normal of 3. Its a gradual thing that will last until early October at which point I will be taking none hopefully. Hopefully I will only see "good" side effects coming off this drug and not some of the scary ones. I've asked a couple of close friends to tap me on the shoulder if they see me getting all whackked or anything.
I have a follow-up appt for the surgery in early October and I'll be heading back to the drawing table at the London Regional Cancer Clinic in a week or two to see what the next "plan" may be.
I am working away at getting caught up on my e-mail so please don't think I'm ignoring anyone....I'm just one guy though, with 9.5 fingers remember! ;)
Thanks for listening and caring...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Awake Craniotomy August 27 2008
Hello my friends, guess who is back and still fighting!!!?? Yep, just me, the one who refuses to let this thing wrap its ugly arms around me as it attempts to squeeze the life out of me. I apologize if I feel a little "smug" or "big-headed" right now but I feel deep down inside that the score is 2-1 for my team against the C-Team and I couldn't be more pleased!!!
First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for your unending support throughout this path of mine. I know.....truly know, that without all of your thoughts, well-wishes and prayers, that this fight would be so much more difficult to battle every day. I will forever hold you close to my heart.
Ok, lets get into the brains of this thing!!
Finally got my "infected hangnail" cleared up and given the ok to proceed with surgery. The hangnail seemed so trivial but after l listened to my surgeon explain the higher infection risk factor already involved with having surgery a second time in the same area.....I was ok waiting another 10 days until this active infection in my finger went away!!
So my surgery day officially began at 6am with the usual paperwork associated with being admitted to hospital. Dad and I were even there 20 minutes early!!! After that, I was whisked away to the second floor for surgery prep where I saddled up onto the bed in preparation for the medical ride of a lifetime! From there it was off to the MRI suite for my pre-surgery MRI (just to make sure this all wasn't a joke or something??) lol
Now I am being wheeled down corridors that are getting eerily colder as we near the operating room. Once in the O.R. I am greeted by a host of new faces who are going to be involved with my operation. I believe in total there were anywhere from 10-12 people in there at any given time, all of them with smiles and idle conversation to share with me while they went about their work strapping, clamping, poking my body for game time.
Unlike my first surgery where I was flat on my back with my head in its natural position, this time around, I was placed on my left side and then my head was physically clamped sideways (still with poke holes to prove it) to prevent any movement. For this part as well as the initial cutting of the skin, the Doctors took my level of consciousness down to nil and then brought me back up minutes later to my awake state. Ok, be forewarned, here is where it gets a little graphic for those of you who may get squeamish. (is that in the dictionary?)
The first sound and sensation I hear and feel is that of a cutting tool being used to remove a larger portion of my skull for access. There was no pain involved, although I MAY have winced a couple of times as the blade bound up and had to be removed and started again. Anyone who has used either a hand or power saw should be able to relate....kinda. The next thing I felt was the skull being chipped out tenderly to expose the the "goods". The anasteciologists (x2) were right in front of me the whole time, asking my pain level etc so that they could instantly adjust the medication levels to make me more comfortable. It was they who graciously took pictures for me too. From this point, they began to remove brain tissue, both tumorous and dead non-tumorous (the downside result of radiation treatment) and as the surgeon neared the outside perimeter of the mass, is when he asked for my input regarding things such as :can you raise your left leg, turn your ankle, bend your knee etc. These physical activities were a result of my tumour being located on the right side "Motor Strip" portion of my brain controlling the left side of my body. I think he got my bank card PIN number too because since Wednesday, my account has been dwindling!!!
I guess in this day and age its all about "cost-down" since they now use rivets and strapping to secure the skull back to its original position in the head. I guess I don't need to worry about anyone trying to thieve them as they do with copper wire etc now!! lol
The surgery took 6 hours overall and I came out of it with quite a large "U" shaped incision containing 32 stitches to be removed in 10 days by my family Doc.
Just as happened with my first brain surgery, as soon as I was in Recovery for the 24 watch period, I wanted food and I wanted it NOW!! I almost felt embarrassed for feeling so good as I scanned the rest of the room and seen others who had just undergone the same or similair surgery and were not feeling nearly as spry as I was. That being said, of course I was the thorn in the Nurse's side until they finally kicked me out into the general population. On Thursday, they put me into a semi-private room with a 91 year old Italian gentleman named "Ted" for short. Ted was a full blown Italian from the the Chatham/Windsor area. He has been in and out of hospitals for the past couple of years and according to his son, has not spent more than a month at home before landing up in hospital again. His conditions were alot to do with just old age I think. So from then until I departed, it was the "Ed and Ted" show. For him being 91, he was still fairly sharp and we had some good conversations, with me sitting on the edge of his bed, about the old country, the war etc. How can you not oblidge when a 91 year old man is patting the mattress as you walk by and says "EDDIE, please sit for 2 minutes here." (in his very Italian accent.) Ted will be one of those memories that will be etched into my mind forever, just knowing that I made an old man smile and actually convinced him to get his butt out of that bed and walk to the chair (with qualified staff at hand of course!!)
So by Friday August 29 2008, I was ready to get out of that hospital. Of course prior to departing I had to see a few different specialists ranging from Occupational Therapists to Physiotherapists to a Social Worker. On the physical side of things, I am told that an "off the shelf" AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) will not work (did try one weeks ago and no, didn't work) and that I will require a custom-fit orthotic brace to allow me to walk "somewhat normal" ....at least to the extent that it will help in forcing my foot not to drag along the floor and also to force my left foot to point forward as opposed to its current position of wanting to turn inwardly. I may dance again one day! (now thats funny)
I will post the surgery pictures here also but will leave out the actual brain pictures. If your morbid fascination gets the better of you and you'd like to see it, feel free to just ask, I did!!
I am hoping to spend at least the long weekend having some down time. As headstrong as I am, I also know the importance of the healing process and how that will help me when its time to step up to this again. First and foremost is recovery, and then the trip to "you know where" planning begins!!!!! Nothing is going to stand in our way now.
I will be returning to the LRCC (cancer clinic) in a few weeks time to discuss our options going forward. I will certainly update you all on the outcome of that as things get laid on the table.
Thank you all again....for your support and love
With love
First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for your unending support throughout this path of mine. I know.....truly know, that without all of your thoughts, well-wishes and prayers, that this fight would be so much more difficult to battle every day. I will forever hold you close to my heart.
Ok, lets get into the brains of this thing!!
Finally got my "infected hangnail" cleared up and given the ok to proceed with surgery. The hangnail seemed so trivial but after l listened to my surgeon explain the higher infection risk factor already involved with having surgery a second time in the same area.....I was ok waiting another 10 days until this active infection in my finger went away!!
So my surgery day officially began at 6am with the usual paperwork associated with being admitted to hospital. Dad and I were even there 20 minutes early!!! After that, I was whisked away to the second floor for surgery prep where I saddled up onto the bed in preparation for the medical ride of a lifetime! From there it was off to the MRI suite for my pre-surgery MRI (just to make sure this all wasn't a joke or something??) lol
Now I am being wheeled down corridors that are getting eerily colder as we near the operating room. Once in the O.R. I am greeted by a host of new faces who are going to be involved with my operation. I believe in total there were anywhere from 10-12 people in there at any given time, all of them with smiles and idle conversation to share with me while they went about their work strapping, clamping, poking my body for game time.
Unlike my first surgery where I was flat on my back with my head in its natural position, this time around, I was placed on my left side and then my head was physically clamped sideways (still with poke holes to prove it) to prevent any movement. For this part as well as the initial cutting of the skin, the Doctors took my level of consciousness down to nil and then brought me back up minutes later to my awake state. Ok, be forewarned, here is where it gets a little graphic for those of you who may get squeamish. (is that in the dictionary?)
The first sound and sensation I hear and feel is that of a cutting tool being used to remove a larger portion of my skull for access. There was no pain involved, although I MAY have winced a couple of times as the blade bound up and had to be removed and started again. Anyone who has used either a hand or power saw should be able to relate....kinda. The next thing I felt was the skull being chipped out tenderly to expose the the "goods". The anasteciologists (x2) were right in front of me the whole time, asking my pain level etc so that they could instantly adjust the medication levels to make me more comfortable. It was they who graciously took pictures for me too. From this point, they began to remove brain tissue, both tumorous and dead non-tumorous (the downside result of radiation treatment) and as the surgeon neared the outside perimeter of the mass, is when he asked for my input regarding things such as :can you raise your left leg, turn your ankle, bend your knee etc. These physical activities were a result of my tumour being located on the right side "Motor Strip" portion of my brain controlling the left side of my body. I think he got my bank card PIN number too because since Wednesday, my account has been dwindling!!!
I guess in this day and age its all about "cost-down" since they now use rivets and strapping to secure the skull back to its original position in the head. I guess I don't need to worry about anyone trying to thieve them as they do with copper wire etc now!! lol
The surgery took 6 hours overall and I came out of it with quite a large "U" shaped incision containing 32 stitches to be removed in 10 days by my family Doc.
Just as happened with my first brain surgery, as soon as I was in Recovery for the 24 watch period, I wanted food and I wanted it NOW!! I almost felt embarrassed for feeling so good as I scanned the rest of the room and seen others who had just undergone the same or similair surgery and were not feeling nearly as spry as I was. That being said, of course I was the thorn in the Nurse's side until they finally kicked me out into the general population. On Thursday, they put me into a semi-private room with a 91 year old Italian gentleman named "Ted" for short. Ted was a full blown Italian from the the Chatham/Windsor area. He has been in and out of hospitals for the past couple of years and according to his son, has not spent more than a month at home before landing up in hospital again. His conditions were alot to do with just old age I think. So from then until I departed, it was the "Ed and Ted" show. For him being 91, he was still fairly sharp and we had some good conversations, with me sitting on the edge of his bed, about the old country, the war etc. How can you not oblidge when a 91 year old man is patting the mattress as you walk by and says "EDDIE, please sit for 2 minutes here." (in his very Italian accent.) Ted will be one of those memories that will be etched into my mind forever, just knowing that I made an old man smile and actually convinced him to get his butt out of that bed and walk to the chair (with qualified staff at hand of course!!)
So by Friday August 29 2008, I was ready to get out of that hospital. Of course prior to departing I had to see a few different specialists ranging from Occupational Therapists to Physiotherapists to a Social Worker. On the physical side of things, I am told that an "off the shelf" AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) will not work (did try one weeks ago and no, didn't work) and that I will require a custom-fit orthotic brace to allow me to walk "somewhat normal" ....at least to the extent that it will help in forcing my foot not to drag along the floor and also to force my left foot to point forward as opposed to its current position of wanting to turn inwardly. I may dance again one day! (now thats funny)
I will post the surgery pictures here also but will leave out the actual brain pictures. If your morbid fascination gets the better of you and you'd like to see it, feel free to just ask, I did!!
I am hoping to spend at least the long weekend having some down time. As headstrong as I am, I also know the importance of the healing process and how that will help me when its time to step up to this again. First and foremost is recovery, and then the trip to "you know where" planning begins!!!!! Nothing is going to stand in our way now.
I will be returning to the LRCC (cancer clinic) in a few weeks time to discuss our options going forward. I will certainly update you all on the outcome of that as things get laid on the table.
Thank you all again....for your support and love
With love
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Second Surgery Update
Hello from me, sitting outside on my deck, at 3:30am on an early Saturday morning (or late Friday night if you are under 40 years old!! ......been up for over 2 hours. My sleeping pattern seems to be getting worse instead of better now that I've been off the chemotherapy for about a month!! I am sure the announcement of the return of the tumour and my upcoming second surgery are not helping either though right?
So surgery.....its now been officially rescheduled for this coming Wednesday August 27th at University Hospital in London. My "infected hangnail" is better and I think I will have to live in a bubble until Wednesday so as to not cut, scratch or otherwise maim myself before surgery! ;)
The thought of having this second surgery "awake" actually does not scare me. What scares me is knowing that radiation and chemotherapy did not work. So at this point, my only real "tested" option, is to go through with this awake surgery, which will allow the surgeon to hopefully remove more tumour mass closer to the edge of it. After researching this, I've come to see that it is not as uncommon a procedure as we'd all think. It sounds very invasive but hey, so is this damned cancer. Fight fire with fire I say!!!! The doctors have already forewarned that at this point, we are all about "trying to maintain quality of life". Simply put, we've gone through the normal steps of trying to conquer this thing but its gonna be like the Everyready Bunny.....going and going and going.
I am not ever giving up as long as I have something to live for. And at this time, I have EVERYTHING to live for. In an otherwise grim situation, I can't tell you the joy it gives me to feel my family getting closer to each other and remembering that no one can replace your family. I love them all so dearly....in my own quirky way I'm sure I'll hear them say!!
As for work and personal friends...........WOW. I truly truly truly thought I lived a quiet life and pretty much kept to myself but after experiencing the outpouring of kindness since all this began, I've begun to think that I guess I must not be too bad of a guy and have been able to leave an impression (whether it be a good or not so good one!) on some folks. Its shown me who will stick with you through thick and thin, who are fairweather friends and who actually truly cared when I didn't realize they did. I guess its a life event that has opened my eyes to the stuff that matters, and to not sweat the small stuff as they say.
At this point I can accept what the future may hold.....if the next time the tumour re-surfaces and decides to take a left or right turn in my brain, I could be facing blindness and or paralyzation. I'm aware of that and ready for whatever they want to throw my way. On the down side of all that, modern medicine also says that there are only so many times you can keep removing tumour mass before you start to further invade good brain mass. Is that why I keep getting called "pea-brain"?? lol
My chin is up, my nerves are still of steel (99%) and I'm ready for them to give me some more time on this earth after Wednesday. So if I can ask you to do anything......say some words to your higher power, cross your fingers and do NOT take my doctor out for drinks the night before my surgery!!!!! ;)
Love ya all!
So surgery.....its now been officially rescheduled for this coming Wednesday August 27th at University Hospital in London. My "infected hangnail" is better and I think I will have to live in a bubble until Wednesday so as to not cut, scratch or otherwise maim myself before surgery! ;)
The thought of having this second surgery "awake" actually does not scare me. What scares me is knowing that radiation and chemotherapy did not work. So at this point, my only real "tested" option, is to go through with this awake surgery, which will allow the surgeon to hopefully remove more tumour mass closer to the edge of it. After researching this, I've come to see that it is not as uncommon a procedure as we'd all think. It sounds very invasive but hey, so is this damned cancer. Fight fire with fire I say!!!! The doctors have already forewarned that at this point, we are all about "trying to maintain quality of life". Simply put, we've gone through the normal steps of trying to conquer this thing but its gonna be like the Everyready Bunny.....going and going and going.
I am not ever giving up as long as I have something to live for. And at this time, I have EVERYTHING to live for. In an otherwise grim situation, I can't tell you the joy it gives me to feel my family getting closer to each other and remembering that no one can replace your family. I love them all so dearly....in my own quirky way I'm sure I'll hear them say!!
As for work and personal friends...........WOW. I truly truly truly thought I lived a quiet life and pretty much kept to myself but after experiencing the outpouring of kindness since all this began, I've begun to think that I guess I must not be too bad of a guy and have been able to leave an impression (whether it be a good or not so good one!) on some folks. Its shown me who will stick with you through thick and thin, who are fairweather friends and who actually truly cared when I didn't realize they did. I guess its a life event that has opened my eyes to the stuff that matters, and to not sweat the small stuff as they say.
At this point I can accept what the future may hold.....if the next time the tumour re-surfaces and decides to take a left or right turn in my brain, I could be facing blindness and or paralyzation. I'm aware of that and ready for whatever they want to throw my way. On the down side of all that, modern medicine also says that there are only so many times you can keep removing tumour mass before you start to further invade good brain mass. Is that why I keep getting called "pea-brain"?? lol
My chin is up, my nerves are still of steel (99%) and I'm ready for them to give me some more time on this earth after Wednesday. So if I can ask you to do anything......say some words to your higher power, cross your fingers and do NOT take my doctor out for drinks the night before my surgery!!!!! ;)
Love ya all!
Monday, August 18, 2008
August 18/2008 Update
Well, so much for having surgery today! It was cancelled at the last minute (as I was already on the bed, IV in hand and all) due to the fact that I have an infection in my finger (undoubtedly caused by a hangnail).
Now before you all laugh, hear me out!! According to my surgeon, there is already a higher risk of infection doing this second operation because we are utilizing the original access site to the brain. Adding a secondary infection to the mix is just too risky. After hearing that, I didn't feel so foolish but still......
So they have given me some meds to counter the infection and if all clears up by the end of this week, we will re-schedule for next week. Talk about the emotional roller coaster going on for me and those close to me! Uggh!!
In the end, it is for the best and as soon as I know more details about a revised surgery date, I will pass it along.
Now before you all laugh, hear me out!! According to my surgeon, there is already a higher risk of infection doing this second operation because we are utilizing the original access site to the brain. Adding a secondary infection to the mix is just too risky. After hearing that, I didn't feel so foolish but still......
So they have given me some meds to counter the infection and if all clears up by the end of this week, we will re-schedule for next week. Talk about the emotional roller coaster going on for me and those close to me! Uggh!!
In the end, it is for the best and as soon as I know more details about a revised surgery date, I will pass it along.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Second Surgery Info
Hello :)
Well I am officially going to have someone (qualified at least) pick my brain this coming Monday August 18/2008. I am scheduled for surgery at 1:00pm that day (give or take an hour or so depending on how the first case of the day goes). I am second in line for surgery so I'll let Doctor Megasy warm up on him/her ;)
The procedure as I said before will be an "awake craniotomy" and will take between 4 and 6 hours to complete. I will be taken through various stages of consciousness throughout the procedure from almost unconscious during the initial opening of my head to fully conscious while the doctor asks me numerous questions and gets me to perform various muscle functions. Post operative will be pretty much the same as last time....1 to 2 hours in recovery and then to the "mini-ICU" for 24 hour continuous watch until it is safe to move me to a normal semi-private room.
The operation will take place on the second floor of the University campus on Windemere Road. If you're looking how to get there, go here.........http://www.lhsc.on.ca
I was told that visiting hours may be different than the normal 4pm to 8pm so it may be advisable to call in advance. Don't forget....the price of admission is a large double double coffee available in the front lobby! heh heh KIDDING! Wish me luck and its going to be a busy weekend now but I will still do my best to get back to you if you have any questions etc.
Well I am officially going to have someone (qualified at least) pick my brain this coming Monday August 18/2008. I am scheduled for surgery at 1:00pm that day (give or take an hour or so depending on how the first case of the day goes). I am second in line for surgery so I'll let Doctor Megasy warm up on him/her ;)
The procedure as I said before will be an "awake craniotomy" and will take between 4 and 6 hours to complete. I will be taken through various stages of consciousness throughout the procedure from almost unconscious during the initial opening of my head to fully conscious while the doctor asks me numerous questions and gets me to perform various muscle functions. Post operative will be pretty much the same as last time....1 to 2 hours in recovery and then to the "mini-ICU" for 24 hour continuous watch until it is safe to move me to a normal semi-private room.
The operation will take place on the second floor of the University campus on Windemere Road. If you're looking how to get there, go here.........http://www.lhsc.on.ca
I was told that visiting hours may be different than the normal 4pm to 8pm so it may be advisable to call in advance. Don't forget....the price of admission is a large double double coffee available in the front lobby! heh heh KIDDING! Wish me luck and its going to be a busy weekend now but I will still do my best to get back to you if you have any questions etc.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
EYES WIDE OPEN August 13/2008
Dear All:
We went for my second surgery consultation today in London and I have decided to undergo another brain tumour surgery in approximately 2 weeks.
Really, this is the only viable option right now but with a twist. I have opted to undergo the surgery while I am awake. This will hopefully allow for more of the tumour to be removed as opposed to being "put under". Being awake will allow the surgeon to probe areas closer to the outside of the tumour to more safely determine if that area of brain tissue can be removed without causing such things as paralysis etc. Obviously any surgery of this type has its inherent risks but if I choose not to go forth and push the envelope, I may as well pack my bags now right!!
I will be confirming my participation with the Doctor today and then the process begins. I will update you all as I know more details.
My dearest Beth and Heather.......keep the fight going girls, we are all each others rocks remember!
Still looking to purchase a used golf cart and/or 4 wheeled scooter ( with a heater and windshield wipers if this crappy weather keeps up! lol) so if anyone knows of one available anywhere, please contact me.
To everyone who is supporting the 3 of us throughout this miserable trip......I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ok, now I will sit here and wait for the birds to at least wake up!
Until next time....
We went for my second surgery consultation today in London and I have decided to undergo another brain tumour surgery in approximately 2 weeks.
Really, this is the only viable option right now but with a twist. I have opted to undergo the surgery while I am awake. This will hopefully allow for more of the tumour to be removed as opposed to being "put under". Being awake will allow the surgeon to probe areas closer to the outside of the tumour to more safely determine if that area of brain tissue can be removed without causing such things as paralysis etc. Obviously any surgery of this type has its inherent risks but if I choose not to go forth and push the envelope, I may as well pack my bags now right!!
I will be confirming my participation with the Doctor today and then the process begins. I will update you all as I know more details.
My dearest Beth and Heather.......keep the fight going girls, we are all each others rocks remember!
Still looking to purchase a used golf cart and/or 4 wheeled scooter ( with a heater and windshield wipers if this crappy weather keeps up! lol) so if anyone knows of one available anywhere, please contact me.
To everyone who is supporting the 3 of us throughout this miserable trip......I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ok, now I will sit here and wait for the birds to at least wake up!
Until next time....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
August 7 2008
Hello everyone:
Ok, I've been bugged enough now (all in good spirit) to write another blog entry. Along with that, I also have some more news to share. On Friday August 1st, I got the results of my latest MRI scan at my scheduled Cancer Clinic appointment. Unfortunately, the results were disappointing. The chemotherapy I had been undergoing for the last 3 months has has zero effect on controlling or reducing the size of the brain tumor. The tumor and brain tissue swelling has continued to grow to the point of requiring more surgery. To be honest, I had a gut feeling the tumor was still growing but not at the agressive speed my Neurologist informed me of.
So the next step is to prepare for surgery in the next few weeks. Tuesday August 12th, I will see a Dr. Megasy at London's University Hospital for my initial consultation. I have requested that the surgery be done closer to home rather than in Hamilton this time simply for travel convenience for all involved. I have faith that Dr. Megasy is equally as qualified as the surgeon in Hamilton.
Until surgery, my anti-seizure and brain swelling meds have been both been at least doubled to provide me some relief (back to my daily diet of pills, pills and more pills!!)
On a positive note, I now have a living angel who has been sent to me. Lori has helped me over the past while in so many ways I would not even know where to begin the list.
We are still planning the Disney trip, even though there has been this latest setback. If it is the very last thing I see on this earth, I WILL get Faith there and know that we will have memories to cherish forever. Once again, I cannot thank my Cami, Military and everyday families for opening your hearts to make my little girl's dream vacation come true.
On thr business side of things......I am looking to purchase a good used electric 4-wheeled golf cart and /or scooter to help me get around. If anyone knows of any good deals, please contact me. My walking is quite limited and clumsy. ( I have the cuts, scrapes and bruises to prove it!) I have been told to save any gov't assisted funding for a wheelchair, which after discussing with my Occupational Therapist, makes alot of sense. The cart will just make "life on the farm" that much easier for me because I expend the majority of my energy just trying to get from A to B. And if you know me at all, you know that I am not one to sit still and relax too often.
On a final note, I guess I never know when my last "post" will be so I just want each and every one of you to know that you must have touched my life in one way or another if you are reading this. And for that, I thank you and now know what that thing called love is made out of, on so many different levels.
Ok, I've been bugged enough now (all in good spirit) to write another blog entry. Along with that, I also have some more news to share. On Friday August 1st, I got the results of my latest MRI scan at my scheduled Cancer Clinic appointment. Unfortunately, the results were disappointing. The chemotherapy I had been undergoing for the last 3 months has has zero effect on controlling or reducing the size of the brain tumor. The tumor and brain tissue swelling has continued to grow to the point of requiring more surgery. To be honest, I had a gut feeling the tumor was still growing but not at the agressive speed my Neurologist informed me of.
So the next step is to prepare for surgery in the next few weeks. Tuesday August 12th, I will see a Dr. Megasy at London's University Hospital for my initial consultation. I have requested that the surgery be done closer to home rather than in Hamilton this time simply for travel convenience for all involved. I have faith that Dr. Megasy is equally as qualified as the surgeon in Hamilton.
Until surgery, my anti-seizure and brain swelling meds have been both been at least doubled to provide me some relief (back to my daily diet of pills, pills and more pills!!)
On a positive note, I now have a living angel who has been sent to me. Lori has helped me over the past while in so many ways I would not even know where to begin the list.
We are still planning the Disney trip, even though there has been this latest setback. If it is the very last thing I see on this earth, I WILL get Faith there and know that we will have memories to cherish forever. Once again, I cannot thank my Cami, Military and everyday families for opening your hearts to make my little girl's dream vacation come true.
On thr business side of things......I am looking to purchase a good used electric 4-wheeled golf cart and /or scooter to help me get around. If anyone knows of any good deals, please contact me. My walking is quite limited and clumsy. ( I have the cuts, scrapes and bruises to prove it!) I have been told to save any gov't assisted funding for a wheelchair, which after discussing with my Occupational Therapist, makes alot of sense. The cart will just make "life on the farm" that much easier for me because I expend the majority of my energy just trying to get from A to B. And if you know me at all, you know that I am not one to sit still and relax too often.
On a final note, I guess I never know when my last "post" will be so I just want each and every one of you to know that you must have touched my life in one way or another if you are reading this. And for that, I thank you and now know what that thing called love is made out of, on so many different levels.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Up at the Crack of Craziness...again.
Well since my last chemo session, I think I have had one good night of sleep. Guess last night wasn't meant to be #2. I've been up since 2:50am and so here I sit, waiting patiently for the rest of the world to wake up too. ( or at least the birds anyways)
So the Family meeting I put together last Sunday went over without a hitch I think. Pretty sad that it takes an event such as this to put all the family in one room for the first time in about 4 years. Nevertheless, it all went well and everyone is now on the same page. Mission Accomplished!!
I've kind of stayed away from the world this week. I guess with the onset of my physical disabilities, I've felt kind of overwhelmed, sad, mad, angry, upset, ticked off....I think you get my point. That being said, please don't take it at all personally if I have not returned your call, message, text etc. I am just in need of some "me" time right now and I will be back soon.
On a brighter note, my ex-military friends have now worked a deal with WestJet to fly myself, Faith and a third party to our choice of either Disney Resort in Florida or California. Amazing friends I have!!! I just have to contact WestJet and away we go :) Brad Norman, you are a Godsend my friend :)
Like I said, please bare with me for the next little while. I will certainly still be checking my e-mail daily still, so if you want to drop a "hello", feel free to drop it there. All your words of encouragement still mean the world to me :) ed_mcdade@hotmail.com
My family and friends....I love you all.
So the Family meeting I put together last Sunday went over without a hitch I think. Pretty sad that it takes an event such as this to put all the family in one room for the first time in about 4 years. Nevertheless, it all went well and everyone is now on the same page. Mission Accomplished!!
I've kind of stayed away from the world this week. I guess with the onset of my physical disabilities, I've felt kind of overwhelmed, sad, mad, angry, upset, ticked off....I think you get my point. That being said, please don't take it at all personally if I have not returned your call, message, text etc. I am just in need of some "me" time right now and I will be back soon.
On a brighter note, my ex-military friends have now worked a deal with WestJet to fly myself, Faith and a third party to our choice of either Disney Resort in Florida or California. Amazing friends I have!!! I just have to contact WestJet and away we go :) Brad Norman, you are a Godsend my friend :)
Like I said, please bare with me for the next little while. I will certainly still be checking my e-mail daily still, so if you want to drop a "hello", feel free to drop it there. All your words of encouragement still mean the world to me :) ed_mcdade@hotmail.com
My family and friends....I love you all.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
July 12/2008
A very early good morning to you all:
Well the side effects of my chemotherapy have certainly not let me down this month! I am tired and yet cannot sleep. This has been the case every time I do chemo. My MRI has been postponed until July 28th at 5:30am. ( I swear the scheduling folks do not like me) . This I have been told is because of the fact that my last chemo session was delayed due to low blood platelet levels.
Since my last blog I have had to take a few measures to ensure my own safely to remain living alone here on the farm. I am now one of those"Help, I've fallen and can't get up" people with an in-home monitoring system that connects to Parkwood Hospital. I am trying to get used to using a "quad cane" also. Don't laugh, the name is only referring to the number of feet on the cane! I am also getting another hand rail installed on the stairs leading up to the bedrooms so that I have more stability going up and down the stairs. (Getting bored of falling on the stairs!) I am also waiting on a foot orthotic device to help with my "drop foot" or in plain English, my pain in the arse foot that drags behind me!! lol
Not sure if I mentioned it in my last blog but the condition is now beginning to affect my left arm as well. Not nearly as severe as my leg but I feel the same symptoms coming. I have planned a family meeting for this Sunday so that we can all be together at the same time and I can review my current state and what lies ahead down the road. My reasoning for this is just to make sure all of my family hears first-hand information...at the same time, straight from the horse's mouth. Yeah, insert the "Mr Ed, the talking Horse" jokes here! But seriously, I'm hoping this family meeting turns out to be a good thing and maybe even a bi-weekly or monthly event.
So physically, my body is beginning to let me down. Its frustrating beyond words, to explain how one feels when their mind is still full of life but their body is letting them down in so many ways. I never would have thought, at age 40, that I would be "side-lined" at my daughter's soccer games instead of being on the field, coaching and having fun with her and her team. Mentally I am feeling overwhelmed. Just as the saying goes: "So much to do, so little time". I am thinking a weekend away from the world is in order very soon!!!!
Still with good humour and a bum leg,
Well the side effects of my chemotherapy have certainly not let me down this month! I am tired and yet cannot sleep. This has been the case every time I do chemo. My MRI has been postponed until July 28th at 5:30am. ( I swear the scheduling folks do not like me) . This I have been told is because of the fact that my last chemo session was delayed due to low blood platelet levels.
Since my last blog I have had to take a few measures to ensure my own safely to remain living alone here on the farm. I am now one of those"Help, I've fallen and can't get up" people with an in-home monitoring system that connects to Parkwood Hospital. I am trying to get used to using a "quad cane" also. Don't laugh, the name is only referring to the number of feet on the cane! I am also getting another hand rail installed on the stairs leading up to the bedrooms so that I have more stability going up and down the stairs. (Getting bored of falling on the stairs!) I am also waiting on a foot orthotic device to help with my "drop foot" or in plain English, my pain in the arse foot that drags behind me!! lol
Not sure if I mentioned it in my last blog but the condition is now beginning to affect my left arm as well. Not nearly as severe as my leg but I feel the same symptoms coming. I have planned a family meeting for this Sunday so that we can all be together at the same time and I can review my current state and what lies ahead down the road. My reasoning for this is just to make sure all of my family hears first-hand information...at the same time, straight from the horse's mouth. Yeah, insert the "Mr Ed, the talking Horse" jokes here! But seriously, I'm hoping this family meeting turns out to be a good thing and maybe even a bi-weekly or monthly event.
So physically, my body is beginning to let me down. Its frustrating beyond words, to explain how one feels when their mind is still full of life but their body is letting them down in so many ways. I never would have thought, at age 40, that I would be "side-lined" at my daughter's soccer games instead of being on the field, coaching and having fun with her and her team. Mentally I am feeling overwhelmed. Just as the saying goes: "So much to do, so little time". I am thinking a weekend away from the world is in order very soon!!!!
Still with good humour and a bum leg,
Monday, July 7, 2008
July 7/2008
Good morning everyone:
As you can probably see by the time of this blog, I am up at the "crack of stupid" again, which if you've been following my blog, means that I am back on chemo again. Yesterday was day 3 of my session. My MRI date is getting closer now (July 13) and because of the way I have been feeling lately, has me a little bit concerned. Unfortunately, my walking has worsened. I am stumbling and tripping now due to lack of any control of my lower leg. Not sure how much longer I will be able to walk unassisted. That frustrates the hell out of me. I've also noticed other physical and mental control issues that have been affected lately.
I have gotten away from using Facebook and Messenger for the most part in the past few weeks just so that I can concentrate on other things. I do still check my e-mail however, so feel free to message me though there.
With the worsening of my condition also comes some hard choices that may need to be made such as moving from my home to a more suitable single floor location. I will be very sad to leave here if it comes to that. I love it out here in the country. It gives me the peace and tranquility I need and I don't think I'll ever be lucky enough to ever have such great landlords as Rob and Marilyn again.
I might be able to manage if I had a room mate here but so far, nothing like that has panned out. If I have to move, that will also present another dilemma....where do I move to?? St.Thomas or Tillsonburg. Not choices I want to have to make!!
Until next time....
As you can probably see by the time of this blog, I am up at the "crack of stupid" again, which if you've been following my blog, means that I am back on chemo again. Yesterday was day 3 of my session. My MRI date is getting closer now (July 13) and because of the way I have been feeling lately, has me a little bit concerned. Unfortunately, my walking has worsened. I am stumbling and tripping now due to lack of any control of my lower leg. Not sure how much longer I will be able to walk unassisted. That frustrates the hell out of me. I've also noticed other physical and mental control issues that have been affected lately.
I have gotten away from using Facebook and Messenger for the most part in the past few weeks just so that I can concentrate on other things. I do still check my e-mail however, so feel free to message me though there.
With the worsening of my condition also comes some hard choices that may need to be made such as moving from my home to a more suitable single floor location. I will be very sad to leave here if it comes to that. I love it out here in the country. It gives me the peace and tranquility I need and I don't think I'll ever be lucky enough to ever have such great landlords as Rob and Marilyn again.
I might be able to manage if I had a room mate here but so far, nothing like that has panned out. If I have to move, that will also present another dilemma....where do I move to?? St.Thomas or Tillsonburg. Not choices I want to have to make!!
Until next time....
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Update 06/29/08
Good morning:
Hmmm, good news or not so good news first?
Lets start with the good news: If remember right from my last blog, I was to go to Cami and draw some ticket winners for the fundraising draws that my Cami friends had going on for the "Disney Dream Fund" for my daughter Faith and I. Well I am totally amazed to report that these wonderful people raised over $8100.00 for us. To this day, I am still overwhelmed by the amount of generosity they have all shown. They have certainly made this trip a dream come true. The plan is to go in late September or early October now. I cannot say thank you enough to all those who have contributed.
Ok, on to the not so good news now: Ever since that one bad seizure on the 19th of this month, I have taken a turn for the worse.The "focal leg seizures" have become worse than before and I am having a harder time walking. My appetite has dwindled and on occasion, my fighting spirit has been tested. I also could not begin my chemotherapy session this time due to a low blood platelet level. We will try again this week.
Hmmm, good news or not so good news first?
Lets start with the good news: If remember right from my last blog, I was to go to Cami and draw some ticket winners for the fundraising draws that my Cami friends had going on for the "Disney Dream Fund" for my daughter Faith and I. Well I am totally amazed to report that these wonderful people raised over $8100.00 for us. To this day, I am still overwhelmed by the amount of generosity they have all shown. They have certainly made this trip a dream come true. The plan is to go in late September or early October now. I cannot say thank you enough to all those who have contributed.
Ok, on to the not so good news now: Ever since that one bad seizure on the 19th of this month, I have taken a turn for the worse.The "focal leg seizures" have become worse than before and I am having a harder time walking. My appetite has dwindled and on occasion, my fighting spirit has been tested. I also could not begin my chemotherapy session this time due to a low blood platelet level. We will try again this week.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
June 25/2008
Hello again
Well I was not able to start my chemo as planned yesterday because my blood platelet levels were too low. (those are the cells that help to clot the blood and prevent bleeding) So, I will get more blood work done on Monday and then go back to the Cancer Clinic next Friday and try again. Having a low platelet count is a side effect of the chemotherapy.
So I made it to Cami last Friday and drew all the winning names for the prizes. Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to all who participated and organized it all. Once again, I cannot thank my Cami family enough.
While I was there, someone slipped me a piece of paper that had a poem/verse written on it. In a nutshell, it was about what that person thought of me as a human being, father, boss and friend. I will keep that with me forever. I won't mention any names for fear of embarrassing his manhood but thank you Ken H. ;)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday June 20/2008
Well I don't really like to come on here to report bad news but I feel I should let you know that last night, while watching Faith's soccer game, I had my worst seizure by far since this all started. I pretty much lost control of the whole left side of my body. If I were to rate them out of ten, I'd say all my previous ones were about a three or four and this one was about a twelve. Unfortunately, I was sitting right next to my parents who had to witness it all. (Sorry mom and Dad) I wished I was alone when it happened because now the worrying starts again. (not that it ever really left) Fortunately, Faith was on the soccer field at that time and didn't have to witness anything. I'm sure I got a few odd looks from the other soccer parents there.
I can certainly empathize with those people who have full blown seizures now! I felt embarrassed, mad, upset and a whole myriad of emotions the rest of the night. I'll call my clinical nurse today to see what they think and I go to see my neurosurgeon next Tuesday anyways. My own personal thoughts are that this was a result of the tumor re-growth. I'm not a doctor by a long shot but if it was the size of 2 grapes over a month ago, I'm sure it has almost doubled. (the books say it can double its size in 6 weeks) If that's the case, I imagine its beginning to put pressure on my brain again.
Ok enough about that. Today at 3pm, I have to be at Cami to draw a winning ticket as part of the amazing fund-raising efforts my Cami friends have put forth since my diagnosis. If any of you you read this before 3pm, please realize that I will be nervous has hell walking through those doors today. It will be the first time since January 14th I believe. So go easy on me ya hear!! lol
Until next time.....
I can certainly empathize with those people who have full blown seizures now! I felt embarrassed, mad, upset and a whole myriad of emotions the rest of the night. I'll call my clinical nurse today to see what they think and I go to see my neurosurgeon next Tuesday anyways. My own personal thoughts are that this was a result of the tumor re-growth. I'm not a doctor by a long shot but if it was the size of 2 grapes over a month ago, I'm sure it has almost doubled. (the books say it can double its size in 6 weeks) If that's the case, I imagine its beginning to put pressure on my brain again.
Ok enough about that. Today at 3pm, I have to be at Cami to draw a winning ticket as part of the amazing fund-raising efforts my Cami friends have put forth since my diagnosis. If any of you you read this before 3pm, please realize that I will be nervous has hell walking through those doors today. It will be the first time since January 14th I believe. So go easy on me ya hear!! lol
Until next time.....
Monday, June 16, 2008
June 16/2008
Hello my friends:
Well its been just over 2 weeks I think since my last blog. During that time I have been quite busy. Probably too busy for my own good but thats just the way I am. I received an e-mail from work last week informing me that there was MORE fund-raising going on within the Plant on my behalf for the Disney trip. Needless to say, I was once again amazed at the outpouring of kindness and generosity of my work family. From what I was told, it is going on until the end of the month so I'm sure in my next blog I'll have more surprises to report on.
This past Saturday, Brad Norman organized a silent auction and wing night at a local pub in Calgary Alberta on my behalf. From the e-mail I received yesterday, they had, at last count raised close to $2500 for Disney. Unbelievable isn't it!!? Brad and Darren Fieldsend are probably my 2 closest ex-military friends. I don't know where to begin with thanks to everyone who was involved with both my work and military family's efforts to get Faith and I to Disney this year. You are ALL amazing people with huge hearts.
Father's Day weekend was quite amazing this year. I was blessed with having my whole family here over the course of the weekend. Thank you all for making it such a memorable one :)
I must apologize for not answering phone calls etc over the past while too. Its great to hear from you all but over the past while, I've just felt a little overwhelmed by it all. I am normally a person who lives a pretty quiet and believe it or not, dull life! lol So bear with me please ;)
This coming weekend, myself, Faith, one of her friends and Faith's mother are going to Wheels Inn for the weekend. Its time to start making those little "memory cushions" to make the fall a little less painful. Jason and Shawn, consider this your notice that we will be in Chatham on Saturday and Sunday nights!! Hopefully we can visit for a bit. For those of you who may have raised an eyebrow or two.........no, Faith's mom and I are not back together after being apart for 6 years. Its just the right thing to do at this point and I would never think of NOT including her in the making of the memory cushion events.
I go for my next chemo session on June 24th. Three down, three to go! These sessions have certainly been very tiring. I'd imagine its everything to do with the higher dosage. My next MRI is July 13th.....not sure if I told you that in my last blog or not?? Damned brain!! heh heh
Well, thats all I can think of writing for now. I'm sure as soon as I post this, I'll remember something I should have written about!!
With heartfelt gratitude,
Well its been just over 2 weeks I think since my last blog. During that time I have been quite busy. Probably too busy for my own good but thats just the way I am. I received an e-mail from work last week informing me that there was MORE fund-raising going on within the Plant on my behalf for the Disney trip. Needless to say, I was once again amazed at the outpouring of kindness and generosity of my work family. From what I was told, it is going on until the end of the month so I'm sure in my next blog I'll have more surprises to report on.
This past Saturday, Brad Norman organized a silent auction and wing night at a local pub in Calgary Alberta on my behalf. From the e-mail I received yesterday, they had, at last count raised close to $2500 for Disney. Unbelievable isn't it!!? Brad and Darren Fieldsend are probably my 2 closest ex-military friends. I don't know where to begin with thanks to everyone who was involved with both my work and military family's efforts to get Faith and I to Disney this year. You are ALL amazing people with huge hearts.
Father's Day weekend was quite amazing this year. I was blessed with having my whole family here over the course of the weekend. Thank you all for making it such a memorable one :)
I must apologize for not answering phone calls etc over the past while too. Its great to hear from you all but over the past while, I've just felt a little overwhelmed by it all. I am normally a person who lives a pretty quiet and believe it or not, dull life! lol So bear with me please ;)
This coming weekend, myself, Faith, one of her friends and Faith's mother are going to Wheels Inn for the weekend. Its time to start making those little "memory cushions" to make the fall a little less painful. Jason and Shawn, consider this your notice that we will be in Chatham on Saturday and Sunday nights!! Hopefully we can visit for a bit. For those of you who may have raised an eyebrow or two.........no, Faith's mom and I are not back together after being apart for 6 years. Its just the right thing to do at this point and I would never think of NOT including her in the making of the memory cushion events.
I go for my next chemo session on June 24th. Three down, three to go! These sessions have certainly been very tiring. I'd imagine its everything to do with the higher dosage. My next MRI is July 13th.....not sure if I told you that in my last blog or not?? Damned brain!! heh heh
Well, thats all I can think of writing for now. I'm sure as soon as I post this, I'll remember something I should have written about!!
With heartfelt gratitude,
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hello friends :
Yes, I know its been a while.....I've been reminded by a few of you ;)
Well I have finished day 2 of 5 of my next round of chemotherapy. It would seem that the rotten sleep patterns are definitely associated with the chemo drugs. I have not slept "normally" in the past couple of days. I don't seem to be able to sleep for very long at night while the rest of the normal world is sleeping so I end up taking periodic naps throughout the day. So if you get my answering machine picking up more than normal, thats why.
According to my Cancer doctor, I've lost about 13 lbs since last month. In my mind, I attribute that to being sick for a while as well as my overall appetite seems to be decreasing. I guess it must be noticeable because last weekend 2 friends of mine (Tania and Rhonda) arrived at my place with a cooler full of food for a BBQ. The order was that I was to sit back and relax and let them do the cookin'!! (yeah, I know, every guy's dream right!) We all ended up having a terrific time and the weather was wonderful so thank you ladies, for a great day.
Faith has started outdoor soccer in St.Thomas now. She seems to be enjoying it so far. I'm glad I put her into indoor soccer as I think its made the transition alot easier ( i.e. "But Daddy, I don't wannnnnnnnnna play")
By the looks of things, the Disney trip will happen during the summer holidays. I'm hoping for early July as its not as hot as August there. I've had a few people volunteer to accompany us to Florida since I know my energy levels are certainly not what they used to be. (don't even begin to think about any "Driving Miss Daisy" jokes........remember, I'm down, but not out and know where the majority of you work and live!!)
For those of you who use MSN Messenger and have noticed my status to be set to "away-out in the shop", I'll attach a before and after photo of the reason for me being out there so often (not to mention the solitude and peace I find out there). This was initially to be my "Winter Project" before the cancer came along so it sat in my shop collecting dust until I felt well enough to putter around with it (pardon the pun for those of you who get it). I can only take half of the credit for this though, my best bud Al helped immensely on this project too. If it were not for him, I'd still just be painting the wheels ;)
Stripped Strappin' !!

Yes, I know its been a while.....I've been reminded by a few of you ;)
Well I have finished day 2 of 5 of my next round of chemotherapy. It would seem that the rotten sleep patterns are definitely associated with the chemo drugs. I have not slept "normally" in the past couple of days. I don't seem to be able to sleep for very long at night while the rest of the normal world is sleeping so I end up taking periodic naps throughout the day. So if you get my answering machine picking up more than normal, thats why.
According to my Cancer doctor, I've lost about 13 lbs since last month. In my mind, I attribute that to being sick for a while as well as my overall appetite seems to be decreasing. I guess it must be noticeable because last weekend 2 friends of mine (Tania and Rhonda) arrived at my place with a cooler full of food for a BBQ. The order was that I was to sit back and relax and let them do the cookin'!! (yeah, I know, every guy's dream right!) We all ended up having a terrific time and the weather was wonderful so thank you ladies, for a great day.
Faith has started outdoor soccer in St.Thomas now. She seems to be enjoying it so far. I'm glad I put her into indoor soccer as I think its made the transition alot easier ( i.e. "But Daddy, I don't wannnnnnnnnna play")
By the looks of things, the Disney trip will happen during the summer holidays. I'm hoping for early July as its not as hot as August there. I've had a few people volunteer to accompany us to Florida since I know my energy levels are certainly not what they used to be. (don't even begin to think about any "Driving Miss Daisy" jokes........remember, I'm down, but not out and know where the majority of you work and live!!)
For those of you who use MSN Messenger and have noticed my status to be set to "away-out in the shop", I'll attach a before and after photo of the reason for me being out there so often (not to mention the solitude and peace I find out there). This was initially to be my "Winter Project" before the cancer came along so it sat in my shop collecting dust until I felt well enough to putter around with it (pardon the pun for those of you who get it). I can only take half of the credit for this though, my best bud Al helped immensely on this project too. If it were not for him, I'd still just be painting the wheels ;)
Stripped Strappin' !!

Until next time........
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Well it turns out that the effects of the second round of chemo MIGHT not have been as bad as previously reported. Turned out that I also had a stomach virus that just happened to coincide with the end of my session. Either way, that one was a tough run! I didn't eat for almost 5 days and didn't dare leave the house for fear of being away from the bathroom!!
So I guess I will have to wait until next month to see what the REAL effects of the chemo are. The doctors had said that the third week after my high dose chemo session, I would feel the worst. So I guess I've got about one more week of "feel good" left! lol
5 more months of chemo left and then........?? I'll keep you all posted.
So I guess I will have to wait until next month to see what the REAL effects of the chemo are. The doctors had said that the third week after my high dose chemo session, I would feel the worst. So I guess I've got about one more week of "feel good" left! lol
5 more months of chemo left and then........?? I'll keep you all posted.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Well I know its been a little while since my last post but there hadn't been anything to report on really.
This second round of chemo has truly dragged me down physically. The first round was a cake-walk compared to this. I finished round 2 this past Saturday night and began feeling sluggish on Sunday. Its now Tuesday and things have gradually got worse. The porcelain bowl has become my new best friend. My guess is that its a cumulative effect of the 5 days of chemo finally hitting me. I truly hope I don't have this to look forward to for the next 6 months.
I'll be calling my primary nurse at the Cancer Clinic tomorrow to see if this is all normal. Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!!
This second round of chemo has truly dragged me down physically. The first round was a cake-walk compared to this. I finished round 2 this past Saturday night and began feeling sluggish on Sunday. Its now Tuesday and things have gradually got worse. The porcelain bowl has become my new best friend. My guess is that its a cumulative effect of the 5 days of chemo finally hitting me. I truly hope I don't have this to look forward to for the next 6 months.
I'll be calling my primary nurse at the Cancer Clinic tomorrow to see if this is all normal. Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Well what a long afternoon that was!
After waiting over 1.5 hrs for the first doctor to see me, we finally sat down, went through a bunch of function tests and then got down to business. The tumour is still present, even after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The size of it is 4.1cm by 2.6cm. (in an irregular shape). The written report stated that the findings were "in keeping with history of Glioblastoma". In plain terms, I am the typical Cancer patient with this type of tumour. I guess what that means to me at this point is that have to still go with their current prognosis until we discover other findings further down the road.
So what happens now........
Beginning tonight (yes, tonight) I will start my next round of chemotherapy which will consist of a 5 day treatment plan at 4 times the dosage of my previous chemo. I will do this for a minimum of 6 months. I will be seen by the LRCC doctors every 4 weeks during this treatment. My next MRI will be sometime in mid-July.
Of course with a higher chemo dose comes a higher dose of anti-nauseant meds too. That means it'll be back to sleepy ole Ed for a while. That being said, please understand my requirement for sleep.
After my first 5 days of treatment, I will see what effect it has on me and then hopefully begin putting together a plan for the Disney trip.
So thats about it....tumour is still present...going to try fight it with more chemo....life goes on :)
Thanks to all who sent their well-wishes today ......it helped to put me a little more at ease :)
After waiting over 1.5 hrs for the first doctor to see me, we finally sat down, went through a bunch of function tests and then got down to business. The tumour is still present, even after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The size of it is 4.1cm by 2.6cm. (in an irregular shape). The written report stated that the findings were "in keeping with history of Glioblastoma". In plain terms, I am the typical Cancer patient with this type of tumour. I guess what that means to me at this point is that have to still go with their current prognosis until we discover other findings further down the road.
So what happens now........
Beginning tonight (yes, tonight) I will start my next round of chemotherapy which will consist of a 5 day treatment plan at 4 times the dosage of my previous chemo. I will do this for a minimum of 6 months. I will be seen by the LRCC doctors every 4 weeks during this treatment. My next MRI will be sometime in mid-July.
Of course with a higher chemo dose comes a higher dose of anti-nauseant meds too. That means it'll be back to sleepy ole Ed for a while. That being said, please understand my requirement for sleep.
After my first 5 days of treatment, I will see what effect it has on me and then hopefully begin putting together a plan for the Disney trip.
So thats about it....tumour is still present...going to try fight it with more chemo....life goes on :)
Thanks to all who sent their well-wishes today ......it helped to put me a little more at ease :)
April 29/2008
Well its here. Today is the day I find out what has been going on in that brain of mine! Don't most people go to a therapist to find out that stuff? I have to admit I am very anxious about it all. I wish it were 3pm right now!! I just want the anticipation to be over with. I'm better at dealing with "results" rather than the "unknown". But to quote my buddy Dr.Phil......"the only thing you are in control of is YOU". I can't change the results, I can't change the time, I can't change anything other than me......So that being said, I'm going to try to have a quiet day, just puttering around here and keeping myself occupied until its time!
Now onto some uplifting items!! When I finally decided to get out of the house last night, I checked my mail at the end of the drive and there was the usual junk, but along with all that junk, there was a greeting card sent by my landlords (who live on the same property). Inside the card was yet another contribution to the Disney Fund. On top of being great landlords, Marilyn and Rob are just overall "good people". I don't even think of the relationship as landlord-tenant, but rather as good friends (with whom I owe money to every month!) lol Thank you both for who you are :)
I will post again today once I return home and get settled, the results of today. If you do not see anything posted by midnight, THEN start to call ;)
But seriously, everyone who is reading this obviously has some type of relationship with me and I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support throughout this challenge. The days go by alot easier knowing you have so many people on your side.
Until later today......
Now onto some uplifting items!! When I finally decided to get out of the house last night, I checked my mail at the end of the drive and there was the usual junk, but along with all that junk, there was a greeting card sent by my landlords (who live on the same property). Inside the card was yet another contribution to the Disney Fund. On top of being great landlords, Marilyn and Rob are just overall "good people". I don't even think of the relationship as landlord-tenant, but rather as good friends (with whom I owe money to every month!) lol Thank you both for who you are :)
I will post again today once I return home and get settled, the results of today. If you do not see anything posted by midnight, THEN start to call ;)
But seriously, everyone who is reading this obviously has some type of relationship with me and I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support throughout this challenge. The days go by alot easier knowing you have so many people on your side.
Until later today......
Monday, April 28, 2008
D-Day tomorrow
Well tomorrow at 3pm is my first appointment to review brain MRI I had a couple of weeks ago. I have to admit I'm feeling a little anxious about it. I guess its that fear of the unknown. Once I know the results, whether good or not so good, I'll feel a little more at ease. Its these results that I've been waiting for so that I can start planning for Faith's trip to Disney. I just hope there will be nothing that will hamper it (i.e. more surgery). If so, I guess that just means I'll need to be a little more inventive with my planning.
Hopefully tonight will be a quiet night so I can do a little reading to hopefully relax. Just cross your fingers for me tomorrow....thats all I ask ;)
Talk soon,
Hopefully tonight will be a quiet night so I can do a little reading to hopefully relax. Just cross your fingers for me tomorrow....thats all I ask ;)
Talk soon,
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